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"I can't believe this." Said the Golden Guard, looking at the wall of rocks in front of him. He let out a groan.

"'Go after the shifter' he said, 'They are weak and won't give much trouble' he said." He talked to himself, anger in his voice.

"Now I'm here, stuck on an abandoned mine, lost my target, lost my palisman and my mask is broken!" He growled, he was in so much rage, he had never failed a mission in such a manner that he lost all his magical sources to the enemy. He pulled his mask up to try to see better.

"Grrr!" He kicked a rock on the ground.

As soon as he noticed that throwing a fit won't be of any use in this situation, he took a deep breath and calmed down. I won't get anywhere this way... He thought.

He tried looking around for something to help him get out of there, but it was too dark, he had to force his vision hard to be able to see anything. And without being able to do magic, he couldn't make a light orb or anything like that to help him see. That's when remembered something, he still had the weird bag from the witch, it has a lot of tiny potions in it.

Maybe it has one that can make things glow? Since the last one I threw on the monster made a loud noise, which doesn't make much sense since potions are made for changing temporarily the composition of someone's body... Why did it make noise? He thought deeply as his hand is going through the bag, only being able to see some of the potions that glowed.

He finally chose one, it was glowing yellow, but he didn't know what was the purpose of that potion, it could explode him to pieces if he wasn't careful. He decided to take a better look at it, it was small.

Weird... He thought, normally potions aren't that small. He kept examining it until he saw an even smaller thing on the bottle, it was blocking some of the light. When he touched it a glowing illusion appeared, he flinched at the reaction of the bottle.

The illusion was like if a book somehow made the letters written on it pop out. It looked like a list of ways to use it. "Huh, this is new, I've never seen something like this..." He started to read what was written.

Sunshine potion

When spilled on a solid object can make it glow brightly, but also burn, depends on the object that you use.

• Leafs - Burn immediately.

• Paper - Burn immediately.

• Metal - Glow a little before melting on 1 minute.

• Minerals, like gems - Glow brightly for 20 to 30 minutes before starting to burn.

• Rocks - Glow brightly and takes from 8 to 12 minutes to start burning.

• Glass - Glow for 1 to 3 minutes before melting or breaking.

Does not work on any liquid or liquid-like objects.


"Well, this is convenient..." He said as he tried to look for a rock on the ground using the illusion as a light source. He grabbed the one that he kicked earlier. "How much do I put on the rock for it to glow? It doesn't say here." He read it all over again, to see if he wasn't missing something.

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