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I collapse onto the bed beneath me, breathing heavily. I feel a smile grow on my face as I turn my head to the sweating goddess laying next to me. I pull the sheets up over my bare chest and turn to face her. She turns to face me and just smiles. She leans down and kisses me, and again, and again.

"Rosie, I love your kisses but I don't think I can go again," I giggle into her lips. "But, I just like kissing you, and your soft lips," she mutters in between kisses. We stay like that for a while, just leaving tiny little kisses on each other. It's hard to believe this is all real. Rosé is with me, in my bed, kissing me, and being naked is a total plus. I need someone to pinch me because it doesn't feel real, but I don't necessarily want to wake up if this is a dream.

Rosé lifts her head up from my lips and looks me in the eyes and smiles. "What?" I giggle. "Oh nothing," she says, brushing her hand through my hair. "No, tell me," I smile. I grab her hand from the top of my head and roll my fingers into hers. She falls off of me and lays back on the bed facing me. "I'm just finally glad I woke up and saw what I was missing," she says. "Ew, that was so cheesy," I laugh. She chuckles, "What? I'm being serious!"

I start playing with her fingers, just feeling them brush against mine. "I'm really glad too," I say softly. She smiles and pecks my nose with a kiss. "So, three years?" She says with a smirk. I roll my eyes, "Yeah three years, but can you blame me? How could I not instantly fall in love with the hot girl from down the hall?" "The hot girl from down the hall? I'm flattered but I thought I was way more than that," she fake pouts and holds back a laugh. "Of course you are more than that Rosie, you're now the hot girl in my bed," I giggle, continuing to play with her fingers. "That sounds way better to me," she says with a massive grin.


I've woken up next to Rosé more times than I can count, but this time is different. I'm not sure when we fell asleep, but waking up with her arms wrapped around me made me realize this wasn't the dream I had last night, and I'm ecstatic. This time, I don't have to pretend I don't have any feelings towards her, but if I want to I can place a little kiss on her lips. I want too, but I don't want to be annoying, I don't want to project three years of feelings onto her at once, that would be a lot and I don't want to scare her off.

As the time passes, I find myself tracing the tattoos along her arms as her chest rests up and down. I particularly like the '28' on her knuckles the most, but the triangle on her forearm is fun to trace too. "This is a nice way to wake up," I hear her raspy voice say. I snap my head up to look at her tired eyes. "Good morning Rosie," I say softly to her. "Good morning baby," she says. I melt at the word 'baby', especially with her voice a little raspy. "How did you sleep?" I ask her. "I slept pretty great, and you?" She asks, rubbing her eye. "I slept really well," I smile. "That's good, I'm glad," she smiles back. "Now that thats out of the way," she says before tackling me into a bunch of kisses all over my face and neck. "Rosie!" I giggle. She quickly gets off of me, standing up off the bed.

"How do you feel about pancakes?" She asks, wandering around my room, still naked from last night. "With chocolate chips?" I ask with puppy eyes. "Yes, of course chocolate chips," she smiles. She walks up to my closet, I'm guessing to grab some fresh clothes. I push myself up and sit on the edge of the bed, turning my back to her. "Hey I recognize this sweatshirt, where'd you get it from?" She asks behind me. "Honestly I probably stole it from you," I chuckle while throwing on my shorts from last night. "It's not mine," she says. I question her and turn around. "Shit." I say the second I see the sweatshirt.

"That's Jans," I say, throwing my hand up to my forehead. "Alright I won't wear that one then," Rosé responds. "I have to explain everything to her, like soon," I mutter. "Were you guys even official?" Rosé asks, tossing me one of my over sized t-shirts. "We weren't official but we were certainly heading there. The night she told me to think things over we talked about telling everyone, and she sang that song obviously to me. God, she's going to be pissed when she finds out," I shake my head, sitting back down on the bed. "Hey, hey, hey, it's going to be okay. Yeah, she'll probably be pissed, but at least she'll have an answer," Rosé says, sitting down next to me.

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