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I wake up to the light shining in my face through my window. I instantly feel the hangover hit my body as my head starts throbbing. I roll over to go back to sleep, until I see a very familiar body stirring awake next to me, bringing my back to last night.

"Good morning," Jan groans next to me. "Good morning," I say back, pulling my sheets up over my bare chest. A long silence fills the room, before Jan starts to speak. "I know this was just a one time thing, but I need to tell you that last night was pretty incredible," Jan blushes. I think back to it, and how amazing it was. "I would say it was pretty mind blowing in my opinion, but I've also only been with a man for the last few years," I say, making Jan chuckle. "Mind blowing huh?" She asks, turning over to lay on her elbows, now facing me. "Yes Jan, mind blowing," I smile. She smiles at me, driving me a little insane with how stunning she is. I've never really looked at Jan in this way before, and I don't necessarily want to stop.

"I should probably, uh, get going," she says, a little quietly. "You can stay if you want," I blurt out. She gives me a look, confused but with a slight smile. I quickly get lost in her blue eyes, and start to wonder what's come over me. "Hey Jan?" I ask. "Yes, Denali?" She giggles. "What if this wasn't a one time thing?" I ask. She gives me that same look, confused but with a smile. "I have never seen you this way before, and you are incredible," I say. "Mind blowing, but go on," she cuts me off with a smile. I chuckle, "Yes, mind blowing. You've only ever been my friend, and I am thinking I want that to change," I smile. She smirks at me and says, "I'm not opposed to this, but I think you'll just have to do more convincing."

"Like what kind of convincing?" I say, adjusting to face her directly. "I'm sure you can think of something," she says, still smirking. I raise an eyebrow and place my hand on the back of her head, pulling her into me. I feel her lips reach out and touch mine, and now that I'm not drunk, I can really feel them. She tastes like bubble gum, and her lips are so incredibly soft, and it sends a fire through me. The kiss quickly intensifies as Jan licks my bottom lip before her tongue enters my mouth. I kick my leg up over her hips and push her down into the bed and straddle her, before kissing down her front.


"Do you want to borrow some clothes? I'm sure that dress won't be super comfortable to go home in?" I ask Jan as I toss a oversized t-shirt over my head. "It would be kind of cute to wear one of your sweatshirts," she smiles. I quickly smile and grab a sweatshirt and some leggings out of my drawers. "Thank you," she says as I hand them too her. She starts to get dressed and I find myself getting lost in her once again. "You're staring," she giggles. "Can't help it," I wink. I leave my room and go into the kitchen. I grab two glasses and fill them both with orange juice. Jan walks out in the purple hoodie I gave her and black leggings.

"I think this hoodie has convinced me," she smiles. I smile back and hand her the orange juice. "That's all it took? A hoodie?" I laugh. "Don't make me take it back," she laughs, taking a sip of her juice. "It wouldn't have taken much convincing anyways, I've always thought you were extremely hot," she tells me. I gasp a little bit, "Why am I just finding this out?" "Are you kidding?" She laughs. I then nod my head at her, remembering I was in a relationship. "Right," I sigh. She laughs and comes around to kiss my forehead. "Don't feel bad, I'm just glad we can have some fun now," she laughs. "I wish I could stay here all day, but I have to work in an hour," she sighs. I pout and say, "I'll walk you out." "Can I just use your bathroom first?" She asks. I nod and point towards where it is.

I hear a knock at my door and I walk over to open it, seeing Rosé standing right there, feeling my heart jump into my throat. "Why aren't you answering your phone? I've been calling you all morning?" Rosé asks pushing her way into my apartment. I start to panic a little bit, knowing Jan is in the other room. "Have you?" I ask. I slip into my room and grab my phone, seeing 4 missed calls from Rosé. "Oh I'm sorry, I've been distracted this morning," I say finding myself looking towards the bathroom door.

"Yeah I guess you have," Rosé says in a snippy tone. I roll my eyes but quick enough so she doesn't see. "So what's the big thing you've been calling me about?" I ask, following Rosé to my couch. "I want to know what you think of Adore," she tells me. "Are you kidding? Rosé, this is what this was about?" I ask, a little irritated. "This is important to me Denali, please," she basically begs.

What am I supposed to say? She's so utterly perfect for you it hurts me? That I had a breakdown in the bar bathroom because of you? I just want to scream so badly, be with me instead. Am I supposed to say the truth? That I've been in love with you for years now and you're to blind to see it.


I'll stay in here, but get her out of here soon before I breakdown this door. I'm already missing you ;)

Just like that, the anger fades. I feel at peace. "I think shes great, you guys seem like a really good match," I say calmly with a smile. Rosés smile grows from ear to ear, and she basically jumps on me wrapping her arms around my neck. "That makes me so happy! I'm so glad you like her," Rosé says into my neck. I didn't actually say that, but we'll just go with it. "I wanted to talk to you last night but you left so quick. Where did you go?" Rosé asks, pulling away from my body. I freeze up, not knowing what to tell her. Rosé looks me up and down, "You hooked up with someone!" She shouts.

"How'd you know?" I ask her, shocked. "The oversized t-shirt with no pants, intense bed head, and the fact that you are glowing," she smiles. I can't help but blush thinking of Jan. "You're even blushing! Who is it?" She asks enthusiastically. Rosé is still my best friend, which is why it hurts to not tell her. "I can't tell you," I say, getting up from the couch. "You have too! You can't do this too me," she says, following behind me. "Actually I don't have to do anything," I giggle, trying to tease her. "Oh come on, Nali. I'm your best friend," she pleads. I shake my head with a smirk. "Can you at least tell me if it was a guy or a girl?" She says. "I was with a girl," I tell her. Rosé's eyebrows raise again. "Bitch! You have to tell me!"

"I will one day, but I don't want to yet," I tell her. "Why don't you want to tell me?" She asks, looking a little upset. "It's not you, Rosie. I just, I think I really like her and I don't want to jinx anything. I will tell you when I'm ready, okay?" I tell her. "Okay, I'm just really excited for you, but you tell me the second you're ready," she says, walking over to hug me. "Thank you, Rosie, and I will, I promise," I tell her. I put my pinkie up and we both pinkie promise and giggle.

"Okay, I'm meeting Adore for breakfast and I don't want to be late," Rosé tells me as she heads towards my door. "Okay, I'll see you later Rosie," I tell her. She leaves my apartment. "So you don't want to jinx anything?" I hear Jan say as she comes out of my bathroom. "I mean, not really," I giggle. "Well, it makes me feel better knowing that," she smiles. I smile back and she puts her hands on the back of my neck, pulling me into a very passionate and intense kiss. Jan pushes me up against the wall as my legs turn to jelly while I put my hands on her hips. We start to get heated once again and she pulls away from me.

"Oh come on," I whine. "I just wanted to leave you with something to think about all day," she says, tapping the tip of my nose before walking to my door. I stay leaned up against my wall, watching her leave. She opens my door and blows me a kiss before leaving.

A/N: I really hope you guys liked this chapter :) It took a really long time to write and I'm sorry about that :/

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