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*Slight smut warning: nothing bad though :)*

"Why do we have to tell them?" Jan whines. "They'll have to find out sometime, we can't keep it secret forever babe," I tell Jan, wrapping my arms around her waist as she brushes her hair. "I know, can we at least wait until after this dinner? I'd rather come home with you rather than Lagoona. She'd would drag me back to her place to talk about it all night, and I would rather be with you anyways," Jan tell me. I feel heat rise to my cheeks as she expresses how much she wants to be with me.

"You're adorable," Jan says after a moment of silence. "Thank you baby," I smile, kissing her cheek. "So, we're not telling anyone tonight?" She asks, turning to face me. "No, we don't have too. We can have a nice pleasant dinner as 'friends,'" I cringe at the word 'friends,' "Yeah, I didn't like that either," Jan says. She pulls me into a hug and I bury my face into her neck. "I guess I'll just have to keep the idea of you tonight in the back of my head," I feel the smirk grow on her face as she says that. "I'll be surprised if you can even wait that long," I laugh and pull away from her body, just as she pushes me up against the wall behind me.

Jan brings her face very close to mine, so close I can feel her breath on me. She locks eye contact and I feel her hand travel up the side of my thigh, pushing my skirt up slowly as she makes her way to the inner side. I feel my breath hitch, and she notices. "Can you wait that long?" She asks with a smirk, still making eye contact. Her hand moves up farther. "Yes," I breathe out. Jan pulls away from my body leaving me to catch my breath. "Yeah, we'll see who can wait longer," Jan chuckles. I shake it off quickly, and make my way out of the room. "We have to go or else we'll have to explain to everyone why we're late!" I shout.


We make our way to dinner, fairly quickly since we walked. Jan held my hand until we got about a block away, which was kind of sad when she let go. We even stopped once more before turning the corner to have one last kiss before we headed in.

"Hey everyone!" Jan says excitedly while we walk to the table. "Hey!" Lagoona starts, followed by 'hellos' from everyone else. I take notice that we're the last two at dinner, and our seats are right next to each other. "Rosé, I thought Adore was coming tonight?" Olivia asks shadily as Jan and I sit down. "Oh, she actually had the opportunity to record some music tonight, and thats not really something you can pass up," Rosé tells us.

"How's it going with you two?" I ask, surprising myself. "It's actually going really great," Rosé says with a smile. "That's really great, I'm happy for you," I tell her. I'm genuinely happy for her too, not even a tad jealous. I'm glad my friend found someone. I smile at Rosé, and I feel Jan protectively put her hand on my thigh.

"What about you? How's that thing going with this mystery girl you've been so busy with?" Rosé asks, stirring her drink. Everyone's heads snap in my direction. "Mystery girl!?" Olivia basically shouts. "You're seeing someone and didn't tell us?" Lemon asks. "Speaking of which, hows Priyanka?" I ask Lemon, trying to change the subject. "Priyanka and I are amazing, but back to you," Lemon says quickly.

"You've been so busy with her lately, I've barely seen you. I want to hear about this girl," Rosé says giddy. "Yeah Denali, tell us all about her," Jan says. I whip my head at her and she gives me a ridiculous cheeky smile, making me roll my eyes. "Um, well what do you want to know?" I ask shyly, knowing they won't give up. "I'm not telling you who she is either, I'm not sure we're quite ready for that yet," I add.

"When did you guys meet?" Olivia asks. "Well, I've known her for a little bit of time now, but I never really saw her in that kind of way before," I say. "What kind of way?" Lagoona asks. "Like shes the only girl in the room," I say, slightly blushing. I feel Jan start to rub her thumb back and forth on my thigh as I talk about her. I receive a bunch of 'awes' from the group. "The real question here is," Lagoona starts, "How's the sex?"

Fallen *Rosénali*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora