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"I did something big today," Rosé says with a huge smile on her face, walking into my apartment. "What's that?" I ask while cracking the eggs into the bowl. I was feeling sad today so I decided to make cookies for my students tonight, and made a game plan to just play games for all of my classes. "I gave a girl my number," she giggles. I shoot my head back up in her direction. "You did what?" I basically gasp at her.

"Well, there's this really cute girl at the coffee shop I go to and her name is Naomi, and shes just stunning. So today, I took a risk and when I signed my receipt I put my number on it," she gushes. I'm glad she's excited, but every word she says just breaks me more and more. It was bad enough when she was with Eddie, but now a girl? I'm a girl? What does this one have that I don't?

"That's really cool, I'm proud of you," I say, trying not to break my smile and be a good friend for her. "She's just so stunning, I could look at her all day," she starts. I cut her off before she continues, "Yeah I get it, shes pretty. You've said it three times now." I snap, turning around and roll my eyes, feeling the anger and jealously boil inside me. "Okay, where did that come from?" She asks me.

"It came from you saying this girl is pretty three times, like I get it Rosé," I continue trying to do what I'm doing. "Are you okay? You were fine a second ago?" She asks. "Yeah I'm fine. I just think maybe if you're giving your number out to girls you should open your eyes first," I snap back. "What's that suppose to mean?" She asks, now sounding a little irritated.

"Rosé, trust me, I'm happy for you and how you're figuring out your sexuality. But maybe you should come out to the group? That way when you start bringing girls around it's not so surprising?" I say, trying to cover up the fact that I had to tell them when I told everyone about the kiss. "Or you know, maybe tell your boyfriend? He's kind of an important person to tell these things too?" I tell her.

"Since when do you care about these things? I thought it was just our little secret?" She snaps. "It was our little secret until you started handing out your number to other girls!" I shout, now very irritated. "It was one girl! Who knows if she'll even call me? It just took a risk! Can't you just be happy for me?" She shouts back. "I'll be happy for you when you get your shit figured out Rosé!" I yell, throwing my hands down on the counter. "I thought you would support me, but whatever," she says before storming out of my apartment.

I try to shake off what just happened. I've never fought with Rosé. I really just let jealously take over me. I feel so bad, but I also feel like I have a point. Yes, I should've been happy that she made a move, but she should also be telling others about her situation if she wants to bring this girl around, which I really hope she doesn't.

*A few hours later*

"Thank you everyone for such a fun class!" I say as I clap for the kids in my class. They all loved just playing games, it was really fun. Sadly, I forgot the cookies at home, but I'll probably eat them while I cry later. "Hey, are you going tonight?" Lemon asks, sticking her head in my class. "Going where?" I ask. "Check your phone. Rosé wants us to all go out to dinner tonight. She said she has something big to tell us," Lemon tells me, raising her eyebrows at me. My eyes widen as I think about the fight we had today, and wondering if thats the big thing shes telling everyone. "Okay yeah, I'll go. I'll text the group," I tell her, picking up my phone.

Rosie, JanJanJan, OliviaLux, LagoonaBlooNYC, ThatBitchLemon

DenaliFoxx: I'll be there, I have one more class and then I'll head over with Lem

I don't have time to read the other messages everyone else sent before my students start piling into my room.


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