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"I have to go home, I'll talk to you guys later," I quickly say as I rush back to the table, grabbing my purse. "Woah wait, what happened?" Lagoona asks, putting a hand on my shoulder. I slightly push it off and say, "I don't even know. I just need to leave," I say to the rest of them and storm off. "I'm going with her, tell Rosé we said thank you," I hear Jan in the distance. I pretend I don't and keep making my way out of the restaurant. I see Rosé in the corner of my eye and just keep walking.

"Denali wait!" I hear Jan yell behind me. I push through to the doors and feel the cold air hit my face, starting to cool me down a little. The jealously burned through my body, heating every bone. "Jesus, slow down!" I hear Jan again. I stop in my tracks a few feet away from the restaurant so she can catch up. "What happened?" She asks, putting her hand on my shoulder. "Jan, I don't know," I sigh out.

"Well clearly something happened, you're fuming," she tells me. "She was flirting with someone else," I say quietly. "I feel pathetic. I'm so hung up on her and every time I get my hopes up I get crushed. And Rosé doesn't even know! She doesn't know I'm hurting and how much I'm breaking inside every time she even speaks to someone else. It makes me pathetic and jealous!" I find myself shouting.

"Denali listen to me," Jan says. She wraps her arm around my shoulder and starts walking. "You're not pathetic. Yes, you are jealous, but it's because you care about her so much. I don't know how you feel but I'm guessing it doesn't feel great. But, the sad news here is she is going to talk to girls, and you will have to see it and deal with it. Maybe its time you do that too?" Jan suggests.

"You're right," I sigh. "And even when Rosé finally opens her eyes and realizes how great you are, you can rub it right in her face when you find someone better," she giggles, making me smile. "You're right Jan, I never saw it that way, thank you," I say bringing her into a hug. "You're welcome. Rosé can be a dumb bitch sometimes anyways, just stop letting her get to you," Jan says in my ear. We both pull away from each other's bodies and smile. "Thank you Jan, I really needed to hear that," I thank her.

"We should go clubbing this weekend," Jan suggests. "Yes we absolutely should!" I agree excitedly. "I'll let the group know! We should invite Mik and her friends too, they were really fun at Halloween, and I'd love to go as a big group," Jan excitedly says. "Plus I'm sure Lemon would love to see Priyanka again," I chuckle. "Oh for sure. Plus, you should probably get some too," Jan says nonchalantly. "Excuse me?" I muffle out.

"You need to get laid Denali. You need to get over Rosé and Alex, a little one night stand will help and won't hurt you at all," Jan shrugs. I stay silent, not really knowing how to reply to that. "Sorry, I was just trying to help you out," Jan says quietly. "No, Jan, I understand. I just don't really know what to say now," I laugh.

We quickly blow the conversation off and I walk Jan back to her apartment. I walk back to mine rather quickly, and regretting how quick I made it back as I see Rosé standing in the lobby, waiting for the elevator.

"Hey Nali! Everything okay? You and Jan left before I could even say bye," She says. "Yeah everything's fine, I just wasn't feeling super great so we went on a walk to get some air," I lie. "Are you feeling okay now?" She asks, getting closer. "Yeah I'm okay," I sigh. She takes a step towards me and puts her hand on my forehead. I giggle "Rosie what are you doing?" "Just making sure you don't have a fever," she laughs. The elevator dings and we make our way up to our apartments. "Good night Nali, I'll see you tomorrow," Rosé calls out to me.

"Oh hey before I forget, Jan and I want to go clubbing this weekend, you down?" I ask. "Yeah I'm down! It'll be the perfect first date," She says before entering her apartment and shutting the door.

OH GREAT, I'm bringing her on her first date. Maybe Jan didn't have such a bad idea.

A/N: Hey loves! The next few chapters are going to be a little short but I'll try to get them out quicker where they are shorter :)

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