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Hey there!

Welcome to the Directory. Below are the services we offer;

The Garden of Eden Interviews: (Coming soon)

This shop provide readers with a platform to get to know the behind the scene of their favourite books here on Wattpad.

As an author, you stand to get the chance to talk about your story, character and the entire structure plus development of your work in a fun way.

Sounds fun?

Go on to the Interview shop and get talking!


Wattpad Street: (Coming Soon)

This is an interactive shop, where we talk about everything and anything that has to do with Wattpad.

The good, the Bad and the ugly!

Ever wondered why some people follow and then unfollow you all of a sudden?

Tired of a certain plot line and want to scream about it?

Ever wondered why people even write on a certain genre that you consider annoying?

Well, go on to the shop and maybe the host might be talking about it!


The Garden of Eden Reviews: (Coming Soon)

Are you uncertain about your story?

Afraid it might never get a feature anywhere?

Do you want a professional eye to give it a scan?

Well, this book, gives you that platform. Our team of experienced reviewers will go through your work and tell you where you got it wrong or right.


Book Trivia: (Coming Soon)

This book gives you the best book recommendation from all over Wattpad with a little summary of the story. This way it helps you decide if you want to read it or not.


The Dark Side: (Coming Soon)

Have you ever read a book or seen a movie where you felt the creator was wonderful evil?

Yes, wonderfully evil?

Well, step into the Dark Realm and join the host as she searches the street of Wattpad for that amazingly evil book, where the bad guys. . .might not be that bad!


Cruise Lounge (Naija): (Coming Soon)

This is another interactive shop where we engage users on basically everything but in the fun way.

Ever wanted to learn pidgin?

How about some very cool slangs?

Let's get personal and talking in the cruise lounge Naija!

GENESIS: The Guide BookWhere stories live. Discover now