🍁Message From The Founder

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Hey there wanderer, you have stumbled upon the Garden of Eden. A place of total happiness and joy.

Are you heartbroken, depressed, or just sad?😥

Are you excited, over joyed or just alright?😄

Well, you have stepped into the right community!



I am Lilly the founder of this community.

Sometime last year (2020), I started something called the Garden of Eden Interviews, a book where I engaged authors about their books, their characters, their hardest moments, their happiest moments and everything about their creatures.

The shop received a lot of support from users all over Wattpad and I thought, 'why not expand this thing?'
So, I got more interviewers and the shop got bigger.

Then I realised that a lot of authors just want to talk about their books with someone that genuinely cares about it. Others just want a place to relax their minds have a little laugh while reading about what the authors thought while writing a certain scene.

Now, I have created this community to continue providing the Wattpad users with a platform where they can come relax and unwind writers' block or just general life depressing issues.

So, if you are here, let's get talking!

Check out the Community's directory and go fill a form. Someone will definitely be in your DMS to talk to you about whatever it is you want to share with the world.


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