And We Danced

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I was a fucking nervous wreck.  Two months had flown by and now I was in my old bedroom getting ready to marry the woman of my dreams.

I had no idea that when Laurel came into my life 8 years ago I would be getting ready to marry her, but here we are.

Dan comes over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder and gives it a quick squeeze.

"You okay there?"

"Yeah I am good.  Just nervous and anxious.  I mean what if she changes her mind?"

"Lucas, Laurel loves you too much to ever change her mind.  I have never seen two people so much in love.  You have nothing to worry about," he says.

"Thanks man.  See this is why I made you my best man.  You can talk me down from anything," I say laughing a little.

"Alright the cars are here lets get you married."

We walk down the stairs and get into the car with Dan. In the other one is Brandon and Laurel's cousin, Alex.  Him and I met a couple months a go and hit it off.  I immediately asked him to be one of my groomsmen.

We get to the venue and everything is set up outside.  It looks amazing and I know Laurel is going to love how it all turned out.

I see Amber our wedding planner and she makes her way over to us.

"Now you aren't getting cold feet are you Lucas?" she asks giving me a not so subtle wink.

"No cold feet here.  I can't wait to marry Laurel."

She looks as though she is disappointed with my answer and I just think what the fuck.

I look at Dan and he is just laughing to himself because he knows exactly what I am thinking.

"I think your wedding planner has a thing for you," he whispers.

"You think?" I say back.

He just shakes his head and we all take our places at the ending of the isle and I wait anxiously for Laurel.

I watch as my sister walks down the isle and smile at me.  Then comes Laurel's friend from work Anna and after her comes Sammy.  I start to get nervous as I know Laurel is next.

The bridal march starts and everyone stands up.  I turn toward the isle and I see her and she takes my breath away.

I look right at her, my eyes never leaving hers and she comes closer.  Her dad holding onto her arm and all I can think is that I am the luckiest man.

Her dad lets go of her arm and gives her to me and I am left speechless.

"Hey," she says quietly.

"Hey baby.  You look beautiful.  I don't even think that word is enough to describe you at this moment," I mange to say to her.

Blush creeps up on her cheeks as she smiles at me.

The minister starts the ceremony and it comes to our vows.

He looks at me, "Lucas you may now say your vows to Laurel."

I turn and look at the beautiful woman who has agreed to be my wife and start.

"Laurel, from the moment I met you back in high school you never let me get away with any of my bullshit. I am sorry for that folks, but I couldn't think of any other way to put it."

Everyone laughs and smiles and then I continue.

"You changed me for the better and even though I will never forgive myself for hurting you back then, you opened you heart to me and forgave me. I promise to love, cherish and honor you till my last breath. I cannot wait to see what the next fifty years have in store for us. Because Laurel you took this far from perfect boy and turned him into a sort of perfect man," I say smiling at her.

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