Breaking Ties

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I wake up to Laurel shooting up in bed and I hear her talking to someone. I think that she must be on the phone, but I can hear the other voice and it sounds like it coming from my room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I hear Laurel say.

"Checking to see where my best friend is," I hear what sounds like Adam say back to her.

I open my eyes and try to rub the sleep out of them. I check the clock on my night stand and it says 9:00 am.

"Laurel who are you talking to this early in the morning?" I ask her still half a sleep.

I feel her turn around and look at me. "Adam is here in your room," she says and her voice sounds a little shaky.

Well that wakes me up instantly and I get up and look at the door. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask him. I make sure that Laurel is fully covered.

"Is that any way to greet your best friend?" he says in a sarcastic tone.

I feel to make sure I remembered to put my boxers on last night and thank god I did, I get out of bed and walk over to the door and grab Adam by the arm and push him out.

"I'll be right back. I am sorry about this," I say and close the door.

I turn my attention now back to Adam. I am ready to break his neck for this stunt he pulled. All I wanted to do was wake up this morning and spend most of it in bed with Laurel, but no now I have to deal with this ass hat.

"Get downstairs now," I say to him.

"Very testy this morning. I thought with your release last night you would be a little bit happier. Unless she didn't live up to your standards," he says laughing and walking down the stairs.

It took every fiber of resistance in my being not to push him down those stairs. I just kept thinking why I am I friends with this person again?

We get downstairs and all I want is for him to leave, but I know that isn't going to happen until I hear what he has come to tell me.

"Say what you came here to say and then get out," I say not really wanting to hear any of the shit he has to say.

"We missed you at the party last night. Claudia was extremely upset that you weren't in attendance," he says smirking.

"Is this what you broke into my house to tell me this morning because if it is I am done and you are leaving," I say really frustrated.

"I didn't break in, I found the hide a key and used it. I thought you might have been in trouble since you weren't answering your phone. I didn't think I would walk in on what I did," he says smirking.

"Well thanks for stopping by, but you can leave now," I say moving him closer to the door.

"Wait I guess you won the bet then," he says smiling.

"I told you that I wasn't involved in that anymore. Fuck, I told you this months ago. What part of that didn't you understand," I say trying to keep my voice down.

"I just thought you were joking about that," he says.

"Absolutely not. I was dead serious and you need to leave now before I get really mad," I say just wanting to go back upstairs to Laurel.

He looks at me and really studies my face and then is dawns on him. "Wholly fuck you've fallen for her? Haven't you?" he asks me.

"That is none of your business and now you have to leave," I say opening the door for him.

"You do realize she'll never fit in with us. This was just meant to be a little game and you went and fucked it up by developing feelings for her," he says.

Far From Perfect (Anderson Series #5)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon