First Impressions

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I get to the library around 6:30 and head to a section where I know there is less foot traffic.

I pull out my phone and text Lucas.


"I am here at the library.  I am sitting in the medical section.  I am wearing a blue and white baseball style shirt and skinny jeans."

Putting my phone down and getting me books out.  I hear a ping and look down at my phone.


"What no description of what is underneath? Or is that for me to find out 😉.   I just got out of the shower and will be there soon.  I'll leave you with that mental image."

I shake my head and put my phone down, not bothering to respond.  Although now my mind is wandering to a shirtless Lucas and it seems to get very warm in the library.

I start to read my Calculus book and write some notes of what to teach and help Lucas with.

I get so wrapped up in writing down notes, that I don't notice this huge shadow that has now come into my personal space.

I hear someone clear their throat and I look up and see Lucas standing there and smiling down at me.

"Do you always hum to yourself while studying?" He asks me.

"Sorry I am usually alone in my room listening to music when I study.  It helps me focus," I say blushing a little.

"It's cute.  Never pegged you for a classic rock fan though," he says sitting down and getting his books out.

"Oh and what did you peg me as?" I ask challenging him.

"Boybands, Ariana Grande type," he says smirking.

I just laugh, thinking to myself about how I don't like today's music at all.  Give me classic rock, 80's or early 90's any day.

"I guess first impressions are deceiving then," I say.

He laughs a little and smiles, "Yeah they defiantly can be."

"So how can I help you?" I ask.

"Well I as our teacher so nicely stated in class the other day, I need a B or higher to be able to play football.  I can probably manage a C on my own and that is where you come in.  I need you to help me study for quizzes and tests," he says.

"Sure I can do that.  I have started to make up some practice quizzes and such while I was waiting for you," I say handing over some sheets of paper to him.

He looks them over and shakes his head. 

"Geez  do you ever have any fun?" he asks.

I look up at him and am a little taken back.  What the hell?  Where did that rude comment and attitude come from?  I compose myself a little and then speak.

"I am sorry? I am not sure I understand what you are talking about," I say.

"You know fun.  No homework, nothing to do with school," he says looking at me.

"I have fun, not that it really is any of your business.  I guess I just take school seriously.  We all can't fall into athletic scholarships," I say.

"Who said I had one? Maybe if you let loose a little you would see there is more to life then school."

"Like what? Sleeping with half the female population in school? Is that what constitutes fun these days?" I ask.

"Ahh so that is what this is all about.  You are jealous.  We'll hey baby if you want a turn then I am looking to add a quite, shy girl to the roster," he says winking at me.

"Ugh yea think I'll pass on that one.  I don't need to catch something," I say.

"You would be lucky to be with a guy like me.  It's not like guys are lining up to do anything with you," he says to me with so much hate.

I realize really quickly that everything I thought I knew about Lucas was fake and I just wanted to get out of there. 

I start to pack up my stuff, "I think you probably better find a new tutor Lucas.  I don't think this is going to work out."

Just trying to get out of there without crying.  He hit my sore spot and it's not surprising that he went there.  Feeling my eyes stinging as I force my tears back.

I see the panic on his face as I clean up my stuff.  I get the last of it in my bag and head as fast as I can to the exit.  Pushing the door open and heading to my car.

I hear foot steps behind me and I am just praying at this point that it's anyone other than Lucas.

I get to my car and open the door and get in fast.  Shutting the door and starting my car.  I see Lucas standing outside looking at my car with his hands in his hair.

I drive as fast as I can home, not wanting to break down until I get to the safety of my room.

I pull into the driveway and see Mom's car and Dad's.  I get out and walk in.

"Hey sweetie, how did the tutoring session go?" my dad asks.

"I don't think it's a good fit," I answer pushing the tears back more.

"What happened?" he asks me, getting up from the couch and walking over.

"Nothing dad," I say looking at the ground.

"It doesn't sound like nothing," he says standing in front of me.

I look up at him and he can see that something is not right.

"I just wish sometimes that I looked like mom.  Everything would be so much easier.  Instead, I look like a woman who I don't even know and a man no one knows," I say.

I feel my dad wraps his arms around me and hold me tightly. 

"Laurel, you are beautiful.  I don't know who made you feel like this, but just know guys are assholes.  Hell I was one of those assholes until I met your mom.  Don't ever let someone have that much power over you," he says to me.

"Thanks dad, I appreciate you saying that," I say wiping my tears.

"Now who is the guy that I have to go and talk to?  No one makes my beautiful daughter cry," he says.

"Don't worry about it dad.  He isn't worth your time," I say.

"He is not worth your time. Someone who makes you cry and makes you feel anything less then beautiful doesn't deserve you," he says smiling.

"Thanks I'll keep that in mind," I say giving him a little smile back.

I head upstairs and get ready for bed.  I put my bag down on the floor and take out my phone and see I have 3 missed calls and 4 unread messages.  All from the same person, Lucas.

I unlock my phone and open the messages.


"I am sorry Laurel."

"I am an asshole.  I shouldn't have said what I did."

"You got under my skin with the comment about not wanting to catch something, but it's still no excuse."

"I would really like for you to be my tutor. I promise to be on my best behavior.  Sorry my first impression wasn't the best."

I re read all the messages over and over and think about everything he said and then back to what my dad said. 


"I am sorry about what I said too. I will continue to tutor you.  Start fresh Monday?"


"Sure, Monday it is.  See you in Calculus."

I put my phone down and head to the bathroom wash my face and brush my teeth.

I get into bed and think to myself how both mine and Lucas's first impressions weren't the best and I only hope I don't regret giving it a second chance.

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