Chapter 19 - Promise me

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Leaning back in her office chair, Julia closed her eyes and listened to the buzz of the office.
Her thoughts quickly ran to the events of the morning. Sex with Jack under the shower was the best she'd ever had. That's for sure.
By the time Julia had gone downstairs, Zoey had already left. Jack had been waiting in the kitchen. He greeted Julia with a grin, handing her the coffee.
"Zoey was very disappointed we took our time to come downstairs," Jack said with a wink. "The eggs and bacon she prepared for us are already cold."
"Maybe that's for the best..." Julia had joked, aware of her friend's limited cooking skills.
Jack had laughed heartily. Mesmerized by the youthful look he'd gotten when laughing, Julia couldn't take her eyes off him.
They'd ended up drinking coffee and eating something on their way to the office. All that time the conversation between them had been light and mainly about Brand Today. Julia was glad, as she wasn't sure whether she was ready to talk about the events of the morning.
"Can I take you to dinner tonight?" Jack had asked as they had gotten out of the car.

Seems Jack was ready to talk about it...
"I'd like that," she'd answered with a smile.

So right now, sitting in her office, Julia wondered what she thought and felt about Jack and about what they'd done in the morning.

The question is, Stiles, do you want to do it again? She asked herself. She already knew the answer to that question.
"Thinking of me?" Familiar voice pulled Julia out of her reverie.
She turned to the door to see Jack leaning against her door. His hair was a bit messy, tie loose. He hadn't looked sexier.
"No," Julia lied.
Jack walked inside, closing the door.
"I'm afraid I need to postpone our dinner tonight, Stiles,' he said with a pained expression.
Julia couldn't help but feel disappointed at the words. However, seeing him disappointed too made her warm inside.
"I need to fly to Chicago for a few days. Alice needs me."
"That's ok, Jack, I understand." She sent him a warm smile, hoping he would sense the honesty in her voice.
"I'm sorry that work is getting in the way, Julia," he continued, guilt clear in his voice.
"Jack, I really understand," Julia stood up and walked over to him. "I'm the master of workaholism, remember?" She gently rubbed his arm. "Besides, if Alice needs you, you are definitely excused."
Jack took a step towards Julia, closing the distance between them, and put his arms around her.
"Any chance you would like to come with me?" he asked, touching her forehead with his.
Julia kissed him gently.
"Like I said, Mister Deschanel, I'm the master of workaholism..." she whispered breathless.
"That you are, Miss Stiles." Jack kissed Julia back, pushing her gently towards her desk.
The kiss started getting hotter, but was interrupted by a knock on the door. Jack immediately stepped away from Julia.
"Boss?" Agnes opened the door. "The car is ready to take you to the airport," she said and left immediately. Probably sensing she interrupted something.
"Call me when you're back," Julia said, trying to calm down her erratic breathing. "Or pop your head to my office. I'll probably be here."
"Don't work too much, Julia," Jack added, squeezing her hand, then left her office.


He hated leaving Julia behind like that. Even though she was surrendered by Tom and his men, even though Starr's men were locked up, Jack couldn't help but worry that something bad might happen to Julia while he was away.
Tom, normally travelling with Jack, stayed behind this time. Not only to keep an eye on Julia, but also to continue interrogating Banks and his accomplice.
Jack knew the two men hadn't said much yet. Although the younger one, per what Tom had told Jack, was starting to give in. Tom was confident he would get both of them talking. After that the plan was to hand them over to the police and make sure that Starr didn't get a chance to contact and order any of his men ever again.
Jack hadn't had a chance to think about the day before and the way they ambushed Banks and the other guy. When he'd gotten to Zoey's apartment he was furious, mostly at himself, for allowing Julia to follow Tom's plan. True, everything had gone well, but the fact he couldn't have controlled that situation, could have only watched the two men approach Julia, yet again, had driven him mad.
The phone call he'd gotten from Tom while he'd been waiting for Julia on Zoey's couch, infuriated him even more. Tom's men had searched the truck Banks and the other man had parked a few blocks away from the office. What they had found inside confirmed Jack's worst nightmare; they were planning to kidnap Julia. A mattress and some kind of shackles had been prepared by the weasels at the back of the truck, leaving no doubt as to what they had been intending to do.
Jack had decided never to mention this to Julia and had ordered Tom to keep his mouth shut. Julia had gone through too many horrors, why adding more to her already tormented mind.
He spent a couple of days in Chicago, busy with meetings, discussions and planning, but the thought of Julia did not leave him, not for a moment.
A couple of times he even thought of calling her, but wasn't sure what he could actually tell her. It was not like they were in a relationship. Not yet at least... That thought surprised him.
Till now he'd been mainly focused on keeping Julia safe, but now when that safety seemed guaranteed, what was it that he wanted?
He didn't have to think long about the answer to that question. He wanted to hold her in his arms again, to kiss her, to see her blush and laugh. He definitely wanted to repeat the great sex they had had few days back. He wanted all of it. Jack wanted Julia Stiles.
So instead of giving her a call, Jack sent Julia a text. It was right after six pm, so he had a feeling what she might have been doing.

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