Chapter 12 - Company party

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 "I don't know, Julia..." Alice Williams sighed and took a long sip of her mojito.
"What don't you know, Alice?!"
"How can I be sure that Jack Deschanel is not doing it simply to improve his statistics? Think of it, not only is he finally promoting a woman to a top position in the company, but an African American at that!"
Julia was watching Alice with disbelief. She put down her drink and faced her colleague.
"Alice, you know very well that you are one of the most competent, experienced and talented people in this company. There's no one better for this position. Now quit that nonsense and better tell me what Davonte thinks of your promotion?"
Alice pondered on Julia's words for a moment, but in the end sent her a wide grin.
"He already bought the tickets to the next Chicago Bulls game! So you can imagine his enthusiasm."
"And how is Peter Wyatt treating you?" Julia asked. She knew from Zoey that Peter had been so shocked that he hadn't gotten the Chicago job that he hadn't said much during the meeting with her and Jack.
"He hasn't congratulated me. If that's what you're asking. I think he still cannot believe what's happened," Alice said with a chuckle. "He is not in the office much. I mean that's nothing new, so..."
"Screw him then!" Julia exclaimed a bit too loud. "Let's drink to the new Brand Today Chicago Director!"
"And tomorrow you can properly celebrate your promotion at the company party!"
"Oh, I intend to, Julia, believe me!"

Julia had been staring at her own reflection in the mirror for the last thirty minutes. She was so deep in thought however that she stopped seeing the beautiful Valentino dress she put on and that she'd bought especially for the company party.
The black flared skirt was starting from a high waist and flowing down in rouches to her ankles. The bodice was a contrasting pink covered with a floral black lace and it was hugging her curves perfectly. The decollete and sleeves made of point d'esprit fabric gave Julia an etheric air.
All of that paired with black stilettos, which for now remained in her hands, and she'd be ready to go. Somehow though she couldn't force herself to leave the safety of her apartment.
For the last week or even two Julia had a feeling she was being watched. That well known panic that she'd felt in Seattle was creeping back up into her mind.
She hated that feeling and what it was doing to her. She'd become jumpy, she was losing focus. Julia knew Lizzy and Josh were starting to notice that.
Was she getting paranoid, or was someone really watching her?
The cell phone ringing brought Julia out of her masochistic reverie.
"Julia, where are you?!" She heard Lizzie's panicked voice.
They were supposed to meet at the venue, three hours before the party. There were only two hours left till the party and Julia was.... well, not there.
"Sorry, Lizzie, I'm on my way. I had... some problems with the dress," she lied. "I'll be there in twenty minutes." Julia felt that was a lie as well; there was no way she would get to Manhattan in twenty minutes in the afternoon traffic.
She put on the stilettos, grabbed her purse and ran out the door.


She looked breathtaking... Jack couldn't help but be constantly searching for Julia in the crowd, and every time he'd locate her, he would just stare.
The party was in full swing by now; everyone seemed to be having fun. Contrary to the Brady Corp. party, their company event was all gowns and suits, but it seemed no one minded. Jack was even sure that the women from Brand Today were happy to get a chance to dress up.
Julia was always busy, always talking to someone, solving an issue, answering questions. She just couldn't find a moment to relax. Jack had a feeling though that this was how she wanted it; for some reason she was not allowing herself to catch a breath, to stop and think.
He'd gotten to know her a bit better over the last weeks and knew that the smile and positive attitude she was showing to everyone tonight were just a pretence. Something was going on in that beautiful head of hers, something she was trying to hide even from herself...

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