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You know that feeling when you wake up in the middle of the night and, even though it's quiet around you, you are sure some kind of noise woke you up? Well, Julia was sure of that too. She sat up straight on the comfortable couch, trying to remember where she was.

Ah, right, the hotel, LA...
She heard the noise again. A rustle? A whisper? Was there someone or something in her room?
"Oh, baby..."
Yep, someone was definitely in her room. It was pitch dark since she had drawn the curtains before laying down. She was still able to locate the place the sound was coming from. Her hotel bed!

What the f...
"Hmmm... you taste so good..."

Omg, someone is about to get laid in my hotel bed! Julia thought panicked, but a bit amused as well. This is what you get when you don't lock the hotel door, girl!
The sounds of the company party were still audible from the corridor. Her boss and best friend, Zoey Deschanel, had rented the whole floor to celebrate the one year anniversary of their branch office. Everyone had been having too much fun to Julia's taste, so when the opportunity had presented itself, she had gone back to her room. She had taken a shower, had jumped in her pj's and had intended to do some work, but must have dozed off.
Well, what a wake up she had now. The couple was already at it.
"Oh yes! Yes! Yes!" The girl had been moaning for the last couple of minutes. They guy was good; it seemed he wasn't going to finish anytime soon. And hey, who was Julia to ruin the moment for them! She laid back down on the couch, covered her ears with a pillow and tried thinking about work. She actually managed to do so; but then again Zoey had always said that Julia was bringing workaholism to a new level.

Few minutes later it seemed to her the moans had died down, so she slowly uncovered her ears. Yep, no other sound than the humming of the music from the corridor.
Afraid that they might start again or, worse, fall asleep in her bed, she sat up again.
"If you're done, do you think you could leave my bed and my room?" Julia asked in a sarcastic tone.
"Oh my God, babe, I think there is someone in the room..." the girl whispered, terrified.
"Well, obviously..." Julia concluded more to herself this time. She considered switching on the lamp that was standing next to the couch, but decided against it. She did not feel like looking the folks in the eyes.
"Don't worry, darling" the man spoke to his companion, or rather sex buddy, in a composed voice. "Let's go."
Julia again heard some rustling and hurried steps. Then she noticed the door opening. The strip of light illuminated the girl. Julia noticed her bra straps still hanging loose. She did not see the guy, but when the door finally closed, she released a breath she must have been holding for some time and turned to the lamp to switch it on.
"Can you believe it..." she started mumbling to herself, but stopped.
The guy was still standing by the door and watching her with a raised brow. The asshole did not leave with the girl.
To Julia's utter annoyance this was not just any guy.
"Jack Deschanel!" she exclaimed, mortified, but tried to keep her cool. "Why am I not surprised that you fuck around in other people's hotel rooms."
"Julia Stiles..." Jack answered in a low voice. "Why am I not surprised that you are listening to other people having sex. I assume with that attitude of yours you don't get much yourself."

"Well, it was great talking to you, Jack, as always," Julia used all her will power to stop herself from sending another biting remark his way. "But I would appreciate if you could get the fuck out of my room," she concluded with a cold smile.
It had always been this way between her and Jack; they'd disliked each other from the moment they had met. Jack was Zoey's older brother and actually the CEO of the company Zoey and him had built from the ground. Julia loved Zoey as a sister and hated Jack as the devil himself.
The dislike had probably started in college when she watched Jack score one girl after another, many of them being her friends who she'd known had had their hearts broken in the process. But would the popular Jack even care? Of course not. Julia couldn't stand him taking every girl for granted. It now seemed to her not much had changed.
To her relief he turned back to the door, but then his hand froze halfway to the door knob.
"When I think of it..." he said in a low voice, "I own the company that rented this hotel floor and this hotel room. So technically you are in my room..." he lowered his voice even more and was again fully facing her.

Jack took one step towards her and shot her that look saying I always get what I want... This instantly brought back the dark memories of another room and another man and Julia unconsciously stepped back. When she hit the couch with her legs and started feeling the well known panic she forced herself to look Jack in the eyes. Snap out of it! You are safe. She tried calming down her nerves, hoping Jack did not notice her momentarily... let's call it a trip down a dark memory lane.
She took a step towards him. "Technically I do not work for you, I work for your sister." She congratulated herself for convincing Zoey to sign a contract with Julia's one-person company, rather than hiring her as a regular employee. "Last time I checked I was the one booking this hotel floor and all the rooms on your sister's request. So, let me repeat what I said a moment ago; get the fuck out of my room."
Julia knew she was overreacting. And even though Zoey hired Julia's company, Jack was the CEO, so he was theoretically able to fire her ass. She could not help it though; every time she saw him it was like she would turn into this psycho bitch. His cocky stance was not helping either.
"I missed you, too, " Jack chuckled and left the room shaking his head in disbelief.

The asshole chuckled! 

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