Chapter 16 - Back in the office

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Julia didn't even remember going to bed. Last thing she could recall was sitting on the couch with Jack.
She got up feeling better than the day before. The headache and dizziness were finally gone. The ribs were still killing her though.
She walked into the bathroom to take a shower, but froze as a vivid memory flooded her mind. Did I kiss Jack Deschanel last night? Or was it a dream? Julia subconsciously touched her lips.
It was light and quick. His lips were warm, soft and wanting more.

Oh my god, Stiles, you really did kiss him! She walked into the shower shaking her head in disbelief.
No matter how hard she tried to push the memories away, Julia couldn't help but to recall his closeness, his touch, the sparkle in his eyes.
As she walked down the stairs to Zoey's and Jess' kitchen another memory attacked her senses; Jack Deschanel carrying her up these stairs. Julia suddenly remembered the warmth his body had emitted and how causey it had made her feel even in her sleepy state.
Julia forced herself to continue walking and then to make coffee. Her mind kept going back to the previous evening though and she started doubting again. Why would I kiss Jack? Maybe my shaken brain has made it all up...?
With the big mug of coffee Julia sat herself in Zoey's armchair with the beautiful view of Manhattan. Deep in thought she didn't notice time fly by.

That's how Zoey found her when she returned early in the afternoon.
"Someone's in a pensive mood!" she exclaimed.
Julia didn't hear her walk in, so hearing her friend's voice, she almost spilled the rest of the coffee that she still had in her mug.
"How's my mom?" Julia asked, again feeling guilty for not being there for her mother.
"She's great! She was really happy to see me." Zoey threw her purse on the couch and sat down in an armchair opposite Julia's. "We visited your grandpa's grave, we had dinner in a fancy restaurant and then spent the evening drinking wine and going through some embarrassing photos from your childhood."
"Thank you, Zoey." Julia grabbed her friend's hand. "You're doing so much for me. This really means the world..."
"Jules, don't mention it..." Zoey interrupted her. "You are my best friend, who else would I be doing this for!"
Julia just smiled and squeezed Zoey's hand harder.
"Where's Jess?"
"I think she came back from the hospital very late..., so I assume she's still asleep," Julia explained.
Hearing the words Zoey sent Julia a suspicious look.
"If she came back late, then I hope you ordered some take away?"
By now both Jess and Zoey knew that Julia would not think of food when in stress. That's why they both had made it their priority to feed her.
"I've eaten. If that's what you're asking," Julia said, hoping this would be enough for Zoey. She knew the moment she mentioned Jack had brought the food, there would be questions.
"You have?"
Zoey must have noticed some hesitance on Julia's face, as she clapped her hands.
"Did the handsome mountain of muscles, or in other words your bodyguard, bring you food?"
"What? No!" Julia got up from her armchair and walked to the kitchen, hoping she would not blush. "Your brother brought some food... In fact, there is still a lot left in the fridge, so we can eat a late lunch if you're hungry." Julia hoped this would be a distraction enough and Zoey would not ask about Jack's visit. But she thought wrong.
"Jack brought the food?"
"I hope you guys didn't jump at each other's throats with forks and spoons?"
"We did not," Julia answered shortly. "Now, stop all that questioning and let's eat some Chinese."

 By Sunday evening Julia was almost sure she must have dreamt of kissing Jack Deschanel. Otherwise wouldn't he show up at least for a moment during the day? He lived just upstairs after all!
He didn't show up the whole week for that matter. The reasonable part of Julia's brain was scolding her. Why would he even come here? But then that more vulnerable part of Julia would kick in and say: because he's been showing up in the last days so often...
Julia tried forcing herself to recall all the negative feelings she'd had for Jack when he'd moved back to New York. She had to be honest with herself though; he hadn't given her a reason lately to dislike him. But maybe she was reading too much into it? Maybe he'd been nice just because she'd been beaten in front of his office. Maybe he would have acted the same in case of any other employee of Brand Today.

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