Chapter 18 - I've got you

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Julia checked her phone for the hundredth time, hoping that Jack would at least text her.
He hadn't been there, on the square, when Tom and his men had captured Banks and his accomplice. She hadn't had the courage to ask Tom about Jack; afraid of what she might have heard. Afterall, the problem had been solved. It seemed Nicholas' men were no longer a threat to Jack's company... There's no reason for Jack to care anymore...
These thoughts would not leave her as the car approached Zoey's apartment building. Zoey's and Jack's apartment building... I guess I can now go back to my own place and we can all go back to normal... Julia wasn't sure anymore though what that normal was.
Tom's man still followed her to the apartment, another was still keeping watch by the door. Maybe we'll try going back to normal starting tomorrow morning? she thought.

Julia walked into the apartment, closed the door and leaned against it. She wasn't sure how to feel. I should feel relieved, happy, free! Instead she felt empty.
A moment later she realized the lights were on in the living room. Zoey and Jess were supposed to be out this evening....
"Zoey?" she asked hesitantly, walking into the room.
Instead of her friend however, Julia found Jack sitting on the couch. A glass of Scotch was standing on a table beside him. Jack was on the phone, but it seemed he was barely listening to what the person on the other side of the line was saying, as his eyes were intently staring at Julia, following her every move.
"I gotta go," he said and ended the call.
"Well, how nice of you to show up," Julia whispered ironically and moved to the kitchen. She poured herself a glass of water. She felt her mouth had been paper dry the moment she'd seen Banks on that damn square.
"I'm sorry, but did you expect me to cheer for you back there?!" Julia heard Jack getting up from the couch, but did not turn to him. She could sense he was angry. "Or maybe you want me to congratulate you for not getting beaten to death?!"
"Whatever, Jack," she just said.
Not sparing him a glance, Julia turned towards the stairs. She just wanted this day to end.
"Julia, wait." Jack crossed the living room and grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry."
Julia stopped and turned to him hesitantly. There was no more anger in his glance, no cockiness, just worry.
"I just didn't know how to deal with the fact that you could get hurt again and I couldn't do anything about it. When you had gotten attacked I told myself it would never happen again." Jack combed his fingers through his already messy hair.
Julia remained silent, watching him surprised.
"...I told myself I would do anything in my power to protect you," he continued. "And everything was going well, until today. Today you put yourself in harm's way." Jack squeezed her hand harder, probably not even realizing it. "And all I could do was just stand there and watch... It's not something a man like me accepts easily, Julia. I'm not in the habit of allowing things to happen on their own accord. I'm usually the one in control..."
"Do you think I wanted to go out there?" Julia asked almost in a whisper. She wanted to scream at him, but just did not have the strength to fight anymore. "Do you think I wanted to face those men again? Well, I didn't Jack. I just felt there was no other way to end this..."
Jack kept quiet, but did not let go of her arm.
"Anyway, it seems the matter is resolved now," Julia continued. "You can be in control again."
"That's not what's important right now."
"Then what is, Jack?! Why do you still even care?"
"I..." Jack hesitated. Julia looked into his eyes and noticed some kind of struggle in them. Then, a second later, he seemed resolved on something. His arms relaxed and he said, "I care about you, Julia. A lot."
Julia was not expecting that. She stood pinned to the ground, unable to breath.
She searched Jack's face for any signs of a lie, but he actually looked earnest, relieved even.
Then Julia remembered that night she'd kissed him. True, she'd been half asleep back then, but she had meant it... Now, doesn't it mean that maybe you care for Jack too? A quiet voice in her head asked.
Julia's eyes dropped to Jack's lips. He noticed that and pulled her slowly to him. He rested his forehead against hers.
"Jack..." Julia whispered, not sure of what she was actually going to say. All she knew was that this was right. This was OK.

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