Chapter 1

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Maya had exhaled as she was standing in front of her bathroom cabinet while waiting for the pregnancy test to go positive as Riley was doing the same. Both were scared to death about the possibility of a pregnancy especially at their age.

"Maya, what are we going to do if it's positive?" Riley asked as Maya looked at her best friend.

"Riley, with me it's easy. I tell Josh. What on earth possessed you to sleep with two guys around the same time?" Maya asked as Riley exhaled.

As Riley and Lucas were going through a rough time in their relationship, Riley and Farkle had something that lasted one night before she and Lucas had gotten back together and broken up just two weeks later. But now Riley was unsure whether or not she would really know who the father is if she was pregnant.

"I don't know. It was so short and very foggy. What am I going to do if it's Farkle?" Riley asked as Maya exhaled hearing how the timer went off.

"Well let's find out if we need to be worried," Maya said as both flipped over the pregnancy tests gasping.

Showing two blue lines on both Maya had slid down the wall while she had tried to figure out what was next. She loved Josh with her whole heart but a baby wasn't on either of their plans just yet. Maya looked as Riley fell down next to her not even able to think of what she was going through as she pulled Riley's head on her shoulder as both the girls were silent.

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