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Rosinante starts laughing in happiness and hugs you tightly. Your heart clenches from the warm feeling in your chest, flowing through your nerves like honey.

Gratitude for him being with you, his soul touching yours.

For him, existing.

Corazon caresses your face, closes your eyes before he presses his forehead to yours, almost just exhaling the answer with his breath gently brushing your skin.

-I love you too.

Nobody ever said these words to me this way.

You feel tears leaving your eyes as you close the gap to kiss him, trying to show all the emotions running wild in your mind as your hands in his golden hair.

He softens the movements of his lips, then leans back a little, scowling at your face.

-Why are you crying again? Did something happen?

You chuckle silently and leave a sweet smooch on the corner of his mouth. He smiles and turns his head to kiss your palm tenderly.

-Just tears of happiness. -you whisper. Rosinante nods with a bright smile, so bright that it can light your thoughts and make all your worries disappear.

I promised him. One day without thinking about the future.

-Why did you decide to meet Doffy sooner, [Y/N]? -he asks and you frown for a second, sitting back on his lap.

-He has to finish his part of our agreement, so I can be... free.

His eyes gleam and he stands up, keeping you close to himself.

-I can't wait! -he laughs and you suffocate your emotions to fall over his neck, breathing in his scent. -You, me, and Law, traveling around the world.

-I will always be with you. -you smile and kiss his cheek to light up his face again.

At least this will be true.

-We will be like a family. -he whispers, hiding his face in your hair.

-You love to adopt broken people, don't you? -you ask a bit sadly and Rosinante frowns.

-Don't ever say this again. -he states, suddenly so serious. -You think I just play a hero to heal everyone I find?

-That's not what I meant. -you murmur and he lours, looking in your eyes deeply.

-In every kind of attachment with humans, you have to feel the balance. -he says. -I tried to help both of you as much as I could because you saved me too! Law and you mean more than anything for me in this world. You understand?

You nod and push your cheek to his chest. He starts walking on the coast towards the abandoned house you spent the time in these days.

-I need to heal too from many things of my past. -he whispers. -And at the end of the day, people can only be healed by the ones they care about. I was blind, blinded to take responsibility for Doffy, being a marine for the man who raised me. But it doesn't matter at all. I just want to have a future for myself now, with the two of you.

-It's amazing, Rosinante. -you smile. -But what about your brother?

He stops and you shiver as he holds you with a thrill running down his spine.

-I will do what I can, but I won't risk anything that can cause me to lose you. -he says and accidentally trips.

Your Devil Fruit grows some branches from the ground to support him before he could fall.

Ephemeral [Rosinante|Corazon × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now