Yeh toh hona hi tha

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To say that #Akshika didn't affect Sumedh at all, would be a HUGE LIE.

It ofcorse did! When Mallika told him that Akshay had finally asked her out, Mallika's happiness knew no bounds and well, Sumedh's unknown disappointment knew no bounds.

He didn't knew why was this affecting him. Wasn't this suppose to happen? Didn't he knew that this was going to happen? Wasn't he the one who had unknowingly manifested this by calling Akshay her 'potential boyfriend' ? So why the hell is this paining him so much?

Hadn't he moved on?

Mallika got seprated from the tight hug she had captured herself with Sumedh. Sumedh looked at her ad quickly changed the true expression on his face to a false happy one.

''Wow, Congratulations Mallika ji!'' He said softly and patted her cheek, while she giggled in response.

Sumedh knew that he couldn't let this little information affect his work. So he did what he had become best at, not thinking about it and focusing on work. But this time isolating himself from everyone was hard since he had become close with everyone on set. And this might instead help him as well. He again unknowingly reminded himself of the sentence he had started to manifest maybe not now, but maybe in the future?

Sumedh's life was no less than a seesaw. Sometimes he would bend over the side of forgetting and moving on from Mallika and sometimes he would bend over the side where he's completely obsessed from her.

But the new person he had recently discovered that really helped him in all this, will definitely be Khushi. She worked as a distraction for him. Their bond had grown a little. Though they had only met once, they talked everyday on WhatsApp and also call eachother. Khushi was a happy and jolly soul, she was also smart and matured in behavior. She was pretty, and perfect. Sumedh had started trusting her and enjoy being with her. He didn't knew what he felt towards her but knew that the time he spends with her he forgets about Mallika, well atleast his conscious mind does but she still stays safe in his unconscious mind.

After coming from Vrindavan, and shooting for a few days finally came the eve of Mallika's Birthday.

Sumedh had plans of meeting Khushi that day and since he had gotten early packup, he directly left from set to Khushi's house. They were supposed to go for a drive and later return after having dinner. There was also a surprise planned for Mallika at 12 am so he had to return by that time. He was excited to meet Khushi that day since he really feels comfortable around her and moreover he had been connected to work a lot lately  in every way possible whether it be going on shoot, staying in the apartment, everyone around him were related to his work. Khushi was the person who is someone apart from work and someone who is really interested in knowing him. And the feelings were mutual. He wanted to know more about that girl and was looking forward to spend some nice time with her. Not because he was interested in dating or anything of that sort, but only because he felt free around her, free from all the pressure of work, free from his responsibilities, free from his feelings..... When he goes to Khushi he just has to be himself and even she expects him to do the same. Be himself.

He picket up Khushi from her house and they were on their way to a little drive.

On the other hand,

To say that Mallika was happy that Akshay finally asked her out, would be the half truth.

Things between Mallika and Akshay had started going down the hill. They had started experiencing the cons of dating. A major con which was performed by Akshay was jealousy and insecurity.

Mallika's POV

I was happy that Akshay  and I were now officially dating. I was excited too but it seemed like that the excitement slowly  faded away.  Some certain events which took place between me and Akshay started playing in my head. We both were discussing about our lives and i had expressed how i wanted someone who was like him to be besides me everytime indirectly indicating him but he had just turned down the topic. I thought that maybe he is not interested in me that's why i had expressed my insecurities to Sumedh in Vrindavan. Remembering Sumedh, another thing which reminds me of is that Akshay gets a little protective or should I say possessive when I'm around Sumedh. Like he would hold my hand and would even send some glares to Sumedh which goes unnoticed by Sumedh but not by me. I dont know why does he feel insecure. I am committed to him with my body and soul. Well not like i'm interested in doing anything physical we have not even kissed. Ew and i dont even want to, well because Akshay is my childhood friend and i dont want to kiss him. The only things we have done by now is hug, hold hands, and sometimes he kisses me on the forehead whenever i'm sad or something's going wrong in my life. UGHHH coming back to the topic.

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