Chapter 14: Gamble

Start from the beginning

Cree smiles and nods. "Good... We've had too many close calls."

Hu'Nisha finally looks back at him. "So, now that all the panic, paranoia, and knives are away, why not tell me your names?" she asks. Cree sighs, still hating the concept of introducing himself and never knowing what name to say.

"Cree Tyrell," he answers. That's strangely becoming more natural to say.

Hu'Nisha smiles. "And I already know the kid's name is Reela M'Qinan. What about pretty boy, here?" she asks and motions to Regan with her glowing hands.

"His name is Regan Angevin," Cree says.

Hu'Nisha raises a brow and eyes Regan curiously. "Hm..."

Cree studies her strange shift in demeanor. "What is it?" he asks.

Hu'Nisha looks back at him. "I know you're from another continent. Which one?" she asks, still seemingly examining his face.

He narrows his eyes suspiciously at her. "Utopia," he says.

She nods towards Regan. "Both of you? Or did you meet him here?" she asks. Cree is very confused as to where this is going.

"He came with me. Though it's terrifying how well he seems to fit in here," Cree scoffs half-heartedly and shakes his head. "Why do you ask?"

Hu'Nisha shrugs. "I dunno, I guess the name 'Angevin' sounds almost Aramorian." She brushes it off. "Anyway, feel free to call me 'Nisha', most of my friends do," she says with a smile. "Now, since it'll be a bit until pretty boy is stable enough to start recovering on his own, you and the kid should get some rest. You two can crash in my room here while I stay with him. I can tell you guys need it," she says and looks between them.

Reela is already on her way to passing out, and Cree now notices the dryness of his eyes from his lack of sleep on the way here. He's still a little hesitant to leave Regan alone with Nisha, but he won't be far. His need for rest makes him set his paranoia aside for now.

After a few hours of resting in Nisha's room with Reela, Cree is awoken by a soft knock on the door. "Yeah?" he says. The door opens and Nisha peeks her head in. Cree sits up and watches her expectingly. "Well? Is he awake?" he asks.

Nisha shakes her head and enters the room. "No, but with the hours of treatment he's gotten, he should be back by tonight. I would keep going, but I'm more drained than a drunk man's flagon. I figured you could use some fresh air, and also maybe a hand," she says and crosses her arms.

"What do you mean? You've already helped us," he questions and carefully gets off the bed without waking Reela. Nisha snickers as he walks over.

"No, I mean," She motions to his missing arm. "You could really use a hand," she says with a grin.

Cree glares at her. "What are you talking about? I thought you said you can't bring back limbs," he asks.

"I can't. But I've got a friend in Arkala who can. Well, kinda. You'll see," she says and starts pulling him out the door.

They exit the inn and walk out into the street. Nisha jumps down the front steps to the center of the road, swishing her tail through the dirt with a small spin before she turns and faces him with a smile.

"So, where's this friend of yours?" Cree asks.

Nisha waves him on to follow as she turns and starts walking down the street. "He's down in the working district. We've still got plenty of time before shops start closing." She turns and eyes him, walking backwards down the street. "You know you don't need the hood, right?" She chuckles.

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