Part 4

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I cannot believe what I just saw. I was so shocked and just froze at the sight of Deku. After the door slams in our faces, I turn to look at Sparky and Shitty Hair.

"What the hell did we just see?" I ask slowly, trying to wrap my head around Deku dressed the way he is. I hate to admit it, but he looked really good, which is not helping with my confusion over the whole thing.

"I'm not sure, bro, but we should do our best to support Midobro," Shitty Hair days, which sends my mind spiraling in a new way.

"How the hell are we supposed to do that?" I ask, thinking about all the shit he must be going through. We are still standing in front of his door, and I can hear him crying.

"I have an idea, but let's talk about it in my room," Sparky says. I give him a look of confusion but follow the two as they walk away. I cannot stop thinking about how Deku was crying as we walked away.


I must have cried for hours before falling asleep right in front of my door because I woke up to find myself still on the floor. Thankfully I took out the extensions before falling to sleep. I quickly get up and change into my uniform before carefully folding all of my new clothes and putting them into the drawers of the dresser that I never use. After making sure I look alright in the mirror, I unlock and open my bedroom door. Before I can step out though, I notice three boxes stacked neatly in front of my door. I look around in confusion before picking them up and going back into my room, shutting the door with my foot. I set each of the boxes onto my desk and feel hesitant to open them. It is clear who they are from because of the way they are wrapped. The smallest one is wrapped in black paper and has an orange now, which means it must be from Kacchan. The medium-sized one is wrapped in red paper with a black bow, which means it is from Kirishima. The last one, the biggest one, is wrapped in yellow paper and has a black bow, which means it is from Kami.

Why would they leave me gifts after yesterday? I think as I pick up the red one. I slowly open it and gasp as I pull out a beautiful red pencil skirt with a sparkly black belt. I smile and set it to the side. The next one I open is the yellow one. It has a Pikachu hoodie and a pair of yellow short shorts. The black package gives me pause because of who it is from. I decide to open it anyway, and I am shocked to see an All Might crop top. I pull it out, and something falls onto my lap as I hold it up, a small box. I quickly set it aside and open the box to see a pair of dangling All Might earrings. I smile as I look at my new items, but the smile drops as I remember who gave them to me. I am worried about why they gave me gifts.

What if they gave these to me as a joke? I think to myself as I feel tears slide down my face. I shake my head to get rid of those thoughts and shove the items onto the top shelf of my closet that I never use since I can't reach it. I put the boxes onto the shelf below it. I make sure to check that my eyes aren't puffy before wiping my face and running to class. I try to concentrate and ignore Kacchan, Kaminari, and Kirishima, but I catch them looking at me often throughout the day.


After a stressful day of classes, I decided to head to my room to work on homework. As I am heading to the stairs, I am stopped by Shoto. He asks if I would like to go to the mall with him, and I say I will. He says he will get permission and then walks off. It is so typical of Shoto to declare something before walking off. I smile as I walk up the stairs, but my smile drops when I see my dorm room door is open. I remember closing it before I left this morning. I stop in my doorway when I see Kaminari and Kirishima sitting on my bed with Kacchan sitting on my desk chair, which he moved over to the bed. I let out a sigh before walking in and shutting the door, drawing the attention of the other three.

"Do you need something?" I ask, setting my bag down on my desk and taking a deep breath before turning towards them.

"Well... we were hoping you could explain what happened yesterday," Kirishima says, looking between Kacchan and Kaminari before looking me in the eyes.

"Um... I don't k-know what your t-talking about," I say, trying to make them forget all about it by pretending it didn't happen.

"You know what the hell we are talking about, you damn nerd," Bakugo just about yells. I try to hide my flinch, but I know they all saw it. I can feel the tears trying to build up and fall, so I turn back around to face the desk.

"I-i...," I try to say but sobs start coming out instead, so I bite my lip to hold them in. I jump when I suddenly feel arms wrap around. I turn to see Kami is the one hugging me, and he locks eyes with me.

"You don't have to tell us yet. Heck, you don't have to at all if that makes you feel better. I just hope you liked my gift," Kami says, reminding me of the items I shoved into my closet.

"Please don't tell anyone," I say, still fighting the tears.

"Of course we won't, Midobro," Kirishima says, reminding me of him and Kacchan in the room.

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