{15} Click

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Ophelias POV:

We said goodbye to Lee and walked back out into the alley. The cool evening air hits my face and i take a deep breath as a sense of content fills me. The sky a dark blue as it just barely skims the horizon. Kerry was right where we left him, leaning on the hood of the limo. He was smoking a cigarette with about 5 others stubbed out by his boot on the ground beside him. He stubs out the one in his mouth as he sees us approaching the car and opens the back door for us.

"Enjoy yourselves?" He asks as a puff of smoke leaves his nose.

"Very much so." George replies, a beautiful smile graces his equally beautiful face and he ushers me into the car, with his hand splayed on my lower back i climb in. Our surroundings get dim as George slams the car door besides us. The dimness of the warm car makes me realize how tired i was and a yawn leaves my lips. George naturally shifts his wait so he's more or less facing me and i lean into him, a chuckle rises from his throat and he instantly pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around me as i rest my head in the crook of his neck. His five o'clock shadow tickling my forehead.

"Any extra stops before home, sir?" Kerry questions from the drivers seat.

"Straight home, thanks." George tells him, Kerry doesn't reply but instead closes the hatch and starts the engine before slowly peeling out of the alleyway. The soft rumble of the car below my feet and Georges heartbeat in my ear were like a lullaby that were quickly putting me to sleep. The heat of his body caused me to snuggle deeper into him and he rubs my back, i moan at the feeling and George lowers his head to my ear and whispers. "Sleep, baby. We'll be home soon." he kisses my hair softly. With no argument from me i fall into the most peaceful nap in his arms.


"Lia, darling. We're home." My dreams of a past life were graciously interrupted by Georges soft voice in my ear, i grumble awake and slowly move to sit up. Kerry opens the door on the other side for us and George hurries to jump out the car and gently pulls me out. I smile sleepily at Kerry, saying 'Thank you' and he nods back. George hands our driver a wad of cash.

"Always a pleasure to work for you, sir." Kerry says and George thanks him before our driver gets back in the limo, driving off the property.

"Finally." George sighs and wraps an arm around my shoulders before leading me towards the front door.

"That was lovely." I start. "We deserved that."

"You deserved it, my love." George corrects. "But, yeah. It was amazing to get to be with you like that, in somewhere that isn't our house." He chuckles at the last part.

"What do you say we crack open a bottle of wine and sit under the stars?" I ask, gazing up at my lover with doe eyes as we stand on the front porch, hand in hand. He pivots to look down at me directly. He furrows his eyebrows in thought, as if a conflict is forming in his head.

"Well..." He mumble, he watches his hands as he grazes them up and down my arms before moving his gaze to my small frame in front of him, eyeing me up and down as his gaze turns from loving to devious. "That does sound lovely. But, do you know when wine taste best?" He asks while slowly leaning down, placing gentle kisses along the length of my neck. His plump lips sucking lightly as the texture of his moustache graze my pulse. "Besides..." he mumbles against my neck, the vibrations of his voice and the heat from his breath sending shivers up my spine and my eyes flutter shut. "... we never got to do the first thing i wanted to do to you earlier." He turns his head to kiss the other side of my neck. "Y'know..." his tongue poking out against my jaw as he continues his assault along the length of my throat. "... what i said in the limo?"

"I remember..." I say breathlessly, relishing in the feeling of his hands gripping tight on my hips, and how divine his hair feels running through my fingers.

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