{4} Close Your Eyes

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{Ophelias POV}:

George and I had a quick shower together after our "activities" earlier and I'm now watching him as he stands over a stove, shirtless, hair half up as he cooks us breakfast. I cant tear my eyes away from him, the way the veins pop in his arms, his gorgeous toned stomach and chest, the delicious scruff on his face and his beautiful brown locks. He is very pretty..

"Like what you see, darling?" George asks, not looking up at me but he's got a big grin on his face.

"Sorry.. you're just really handsome." I say, slightly embarrassed that I've been caught but glad i have another excuse to compliment him and watch his face blush once again.

"Don't apologize, love. I love feeling your eyes on me." He says with a smile as he turns the element off and gives me a serving of eggs and bacon. "It makes me feel young." He says as he takes a seat beside me.

"You're hardly old, George."

"Old enough for you to call me 'Daddy'." He smirks at me as he sips his orange juice.

"Well, you can't deny that you enjoyed being called 'Daddy'." I say slyly at him, eyes flickering over his gorgeous body.

"You're right. And thank you, darling.. For saying i'm hardly old."

"Its true... you're beautiful." I say the last part quietly, picking at the food on my plate with my fork anxiously. He puts his hand on my thigh.

"You're the looker in this equation, darling." He rubs my leg with his thumb and i smile at him, my smile turns into a frown as a question forms in my head.

"What... is this.." i gesture between us. "'Equation', anyway." He takes a nervous inhale before reluctantly removing his hand from my exposed thigh.

"Well..." he says in an exhale. "Thats going to be complicated, darling. I would love to keep seeing you like this, would you?" I nod and motion for him to continue. "Im not sure your social worker would let me keep seeing you if he knew we were seeing each other, let alone sleeping together. Speaking of, you're sleeping in my bed from now on." I smile at him and nod once more. "We just have to keep this on the down low, alright? That means no telling anyone, not even your friends." He points a finger at my face during the last part and i shake my head slightly. "I've got no friends to tell." He leans back and sighs against his chair for a moment.

"Well then.. I suppose its settled. Will you be my bird, sweet Ophelia?"

"I want nothing more." He takes my hand off my thigh and pulls it forward to give my knuckles a kiss. "Good." He says with a smile and we both go back to our breakfasts. We chat about hobbies and what we were gonna do that day. As we finish George takes our plates once again to the sink to let them soak.

"What do you say we go for a walk in the garden after we get dressed? Id love to show you around a bit more." George asks.

"Thats sounds amazing." I reply and go to my room to get ready for my day. I get out of my pyjamas that i threw on after George and I's shower this morning and decide on a violet sun dress, and a pair of white sandals. I leave my blonde wavy hair down and i make my way down stairs. George isn't in sight so i decide to turn to the sliding glass door down the hall, to my surprise i see George standing on the patio through the glass. He's wearing blue jeans and a flowy white shirt, the top few buttons undone, his outfit is much like how it was yesterday but way less formal and his hair is now down. I open the door and catch his attention, he turns around and his eyes rake my body, my boobs pushed up out the low cut of my dress to give George a good view of my cleavage.

"Ophelia... you look absolutely ravishing.." he strides towards me and pulls me in by the waist and gives my a kiss, full of lust and tongue. He groans and pulls away, only slightly, enough to take a closer look at my bosom along with the rest of my body.

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