{1} Meeting George

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Ophelias POV:

Never once did i ever think my life would lead to something like this... Something so dangerous, stupid, blinding and in most ways incredible. But thats love, isn't it?

My name is Ophelia Cohen, I'm seventeen years old and I've been in and out of foster homes since i was four. My parents died in a car accident and i didn't have other family members to take care of me. Its always been really hard to talk about my childhood, just because i never really had a "home". I don't know about any of you but I'm what the system calls a "troubled child". I was known to act out, i used to steal my old care takers cigarettes, their money, their booze. And because of this i never stayed in one house long. It just wasn't fair, i felt like life fucked me just because it could and i was left alone. It's definitely a lonely lifestyle but its one i'm forced to live in, at least until i turn eighteen next June.

"Ophelia!" My social worker, Henry, catches my attention from the drivers seat of the car. It wasn't until I'm snapped out of my thoughts i realize we've stopped outside a mansion. I stare for a few moments.

"Geez, i knew this guy was rich but his house is the size of a small village."

"He's George Harrison, Ophelia. Not just some guy with a guitar, he's a famous artist." Henry says, also staring at the house. I don't know if you can tell but he's a huge Beatles fan. As soon as he heard id be living with George Harrison he would go on and on about, "do you even know who he is?!" And "you don't know how lucky you are." I mean of course i knew about the Beatles, they broke up when i was ten so i never really paid them much mind, i think their music is good though..

"Shall we go?" Henry asks, i nod and jump out the passenger seat as he climbs out the car. I grab my suitcase from the trunk and begin walking up the stairs to the large doorway. Henry takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself to meet his idle before ringing the doorbell and taking his spot at my right shoulder. He anxiously adjusts his hair and tie as we wait.

"Calm down, Henry. Im sure he'll think you're beautiful." I say teasing him about his nervous attempts at trying to make a good impression on the man.

"Shut up." He whispers harshly as we here footsteps walking up to the door.

"Hello! You must be the bloke i spoke to on the phone yesterday.. Henry?"

My social worker failed to tell me how incredibly gorgeous the older man in front of me was. Caught off guard i simply stare and admire his features as he reaches out to give Henrys hand a shake. His full lips framed by the moustache on his upper lip and a small scruff at the bottom of his chin, dimples showing as he flashes his white fangs at the man in front of him. A slim, lean body and just about the most gorgeous mop of brunette hair I've ever seen, he kept what he could in a bun to keep it out of his face and mysterious eyes. My eyes trail down from his neck, to his shoulder, before landing on his right arm. Its veins popping out at the firm grip he had on my social workers hands. God the things I'd let him do to me with those hands...

"And you must be Ophelia!" George turns to me and wraps his long arms around my shoulders, pulling me in for a hug with a small chuckle. I happily return the hug, placing my hands on the upper part of his back and chuckle with him.

"Haha yes, its great to meet you Mr. Harrison." I say as we pull away from the hug, his large hands drag down my arms until they reach my hands, pulling them up to our chests and giving them a gentle squeeze.

"Oh the pleasure is all mine, love. And please, call me George." He throws me a soft smile and a wink, i smile back although that sexy wink he threw me made my heart pound slightly.

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