Chapter Twenty Eight

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, let's just get our bags and head out."

"I don't think Alaric believed you." Rebekah laughed.

"He knows I'm a vampire. Of course he thinks I was lying!" Caroline replied.

"Whatever. All that matters is that we're here, having a good time." Rebekah said.

"I thought you were all for the entire human experience?" Caroline asked.

"Exactly! Skipping classes to spend time with your friends is something all humans do." Rebekah explained.

"Anyways, have you heard from Nik?" Rebekah inquired.

"No. Absolutely nothing for 23 days now." Caroline replied depressed.

"Yeah, same. But I heard Elijah speak to him over the phone yesterday. It sounded like Nik was coming back soon." Rebekah told her.

"Really?" Caroline asked, not hiding her excitement.

"Uh-huh. It's about time, too. Henrik has been worse than you. You just drift off thinking about him but Henrik talks about nothing but what he plans to do once Nik returns. Nik doesn't know what'll hit him with all the bonding plans Henrik has made." Rebekah explained.

"I don't drift off!" Caroline protested.

"Please! Everyone can see it, honey." Rebekah smirked.

"Okay, I miss him. But that's not a bad thing, is it?"

"No. Actually, I'm happy. Henrik and I already started planning your wedding." Rebekah stated with a wink.

"Seriously? We're not even in a relationship or anything!" Caroline exclaimed.

"Yet. Once my brother get his head out of his arse, he'll make sure that you're never leaving him again. Hence, the wedding."

"We're vampires, I doubt that a wedding means all that much to him." Caroline said.

"Care, don't forget that we're a thousand years old. Back in our time, there was no way out once you got married. We might seem like heartless monsters, but we still stick to these old values." Rebekah explained.

"And when you say 'we' you mean you and maybe Elijah? Because I can't really imagine Klaus and Kol binding themselves to only one woman for the rest of eternity."

"Trust me, you'll understand in a few decades." Rebekah promised.

Caroline shrugged and busied herself with her milkshake, listening to Rebekah rambling about the future she pictured for herself and her family, including Caroline and Bonnie in her plans.

"Oh no." Caroline interrupted the other blonde.

"What?" Rebekah asked, annoyed that Caroline had interrupted her speech.

Caroline didn't answer and instead rushed to the bathroom for the second time that day.

Once again, Rebekah followed her.

"Ok, there's definitely something wrong with you!" Rebekah stated the obvious.

"Duh!" Caroline answered. "I don't know what though. Since becoming a vampire I didn't even catch a cold. How can I be throwing up all the time?"

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