Chapter Nine

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The next morning had passed in a blur. Caroline didn't know that vampires could have a hangover this bad.

Also, she didn't remember how she had gotten into her bed. She guessed Josh had something to do with it though.

Unfortunaltely, she could remember everything that had happened before. She still couldn't believe that Tyler was over her already.

Caroline had thougt that Tyler could be her epic love. Obviously he thought different.

Why was it that she couldn't keep a guy by her side. She knew it was not due to lack of trying. God, she had tried. So hard. It just wasn't enough, it seemed.

Unwillingly she thought about Elena. Even though Caroline had left that shallow and insecure version of herself die when she had become a vampire she just couldn't help but envy her friend.

Caroline decided that she had sulked enough and made her way to the the room she knew had a TV.

Looking through the huge amount of DVD's she finally found what she was looking for.

Five minutes later, Caroline was so focused on the movie that she didn't realise someone had entered the room.

"Mind if I join you?" Josh's voice made her jump and Caroline collided with the floor.

"Ouch! Josh! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Caroline exclaimed while rubbing her ellbow.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Josh said, trying to conceal his laughter.

"Now come and sit with me."

"So, 10 things I hate about you, huh?" Josh asked still smiling.

"Well, yes. It happens to be one of my favourite movies." Caroline explained.

"Okay." Josh shrugged. "Just, what exactly happened after I left last night?"

Caroline's eyes widened. "What do you mean? I thought you helped me get back to my room?"

Josh frowned. "Don't tell me you don't remember?"

"Well, the last thing I know is that we were happily dancing, singing and most importantly, drinking. That's it." Caroline could literally feel her blood running cold.

"That we did. Until Klaus came in and interrupted our awsome night." Caroline was sure she might faint any second now. Why did things like this keep happening to her?

"Please don't tell me you left me alone with him." Caroline pleaded altough she knew it was no use.

"It was hardly my choice. He was not happy, you know? And I thought he'd be really mad this morining. But he was actually pretty calm." Josh explained. "So I thought that maybe it was something you said."

"God, I have no idea." Caroline groaned.

"I think we'll find out soon." Josh said, making Caroline look at him questioningly.

"I mean, he must've felt your little meet and greet with the floor."

Caroline closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Josh was right. Klaus was probably already looking for her.

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