Chapter Two

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Caroline awoke to the sun piercing through her windows. Slowly, last nights events came back to her.

Elena, Bonnie and Matt had surprised her with a birthday party – or funeral. They were at the cemetery, burying the weak, shallow version of herself and celebrating the fact that she was still alive, well somehow at least, even after everything that kept happening in their life. In her life.

Then Tyler showed up, they kissed and then... Caroline's stomach started turning. Tyler had bitten her. He had bitten her on her birthday. In the cemetery.

Oh, the irony, she thought. Her boyfriend had signed her death sentence on a fucking cemetery.

The events after were kind of blurry, with his venom running through her veins and all. She knew for sure that Matt had carried her home.

And again the irony was strong. Her ex-boyfriend had carried her home after her disastrous confrontation with her current one.

You could say what you want about Caroline Forbes, but she sure had a thing for finding herself in the strangest situations imaginable.

Her hand moved to inspect the spot where Tyler had bitten her. The wound was gone but her dried blood was still there, reminding her that these events had not been a nightmare but her actual life.

Caroline closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes she looked at the door to her room.

In her mind she could still see him there. Klaus. The root of all evil. The root of all tragedies in her and her friend's life.

Nothing but a monster.

Only last night he had come to safe her. Why, she did not know. All she knew was that he was somehow different than she had imagined him to be. Sure she had seen him once before, the night he had turned Tyler into a hybrid. But that was only a few moments, he did not even so much as glance in her direction. And she had been busy enough trying to help her friends as much as she possibly could.

So last night was the first time she had ever actually looked at him, listened to what he had said.

Klaus was definitively a weird guy.

First, he tells Tyler to bite her, knowing that it would kill her sooner rather than later. Then, he marches into her room acting like he was a hero or something for even offering her his blood, the only cure for a wolf bite.

And if that would not be enough he has the nerve to actually call her collateral damage. Like, how dare he?

There was a low voice inside of Caroline's head telling her that he was right, though.

She was never good enough for anyone. That much she knew already.

Hell, even Katherine had used her to get to Elena and the Salvatores. So no, that was not the first time Caroline had been collateral damage.

It also would not have been the first time that she would have died because of that. No, Katherine killed her once already, so nothing new there.

It was everything that he had said after that. 

There's a whole world out there waiting for you. 

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