Chapter Twenty Four

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"I don't understand how this could've happened!" a female voice exclaimed as Klaus slowly came to. Was it Sheriff Forbes? He wasn't sure.

"Looks like mother dearest was a step ahead after all." a male voice, Kol, stated.

Slowly, Klaus remembered what had happened and opened his eyes in panic. Tyler had snapped Caroline's neck.

"Great, you're finally awake." Kol said.

"Where's Caroline?" Klaus asked looking around the room. Sheriff Forbes, the Bennett witch, Rebekah and Kol were all gathered in Bonnie's house.

"Aren't you supposed to know that?" the Sheriff snapped. "You promised to keep my daughter safe!"

Klaus was taken aback by her voice's harsh tone but hid his initial shock well.

"I intend to keep that promise." Klaus insisted.

"Why did I find you lying in front of Bonnie's house with a broken neck, my daughter nowhere in sight then?" Liz asked outraged.

"I didn't realize that the Lockwood boy would be capable of harming a single hair on Caroline's head until it was too late. I tried to interfere, but he had her head snapped before I could reach them." Klaus admitted guiltily. Underestimating the mutt was definitely not one of his finest moments.

"Hold up!" Bonnie cut in. "You mean Tyler took Caroline?"

"What do you mean, took her?" Klaus asked, now very anxious.

"Exactly that. Caroline is gone and none of my spells worked, so we concluded that Esther must have her." Bonnie explained.

"Add the fact our bitch of a mother snapped my neck and injected me with vervain at about the same time Tyler attacked you and Caroline I think it's safe to assume that they are working together." Rebekah said bitterly.

"Looks like everyone screwed up royally. Excluding me and Bonnie of course." Kol smirked feeling superior.

"Didn't you just say you weren't able to locate Caroline?" Klaus snarled.

"While we are not able to locate her yet, Bonnie and I found the spell Esther used to come back. Which means we can reverse it." Kol grinned.

"How is this bloody spell supposed to help us if we don't even know where to find her?" Rebekah asked annoyed.

"Why don't you use your brain before opening your mouth ,darling?" Kol answered.

"Stop the bickering right now! We got more important things to do. Explain, Kol!" Klaus' eyes turned golden, his temper slowly getting the best of him.

Esther had taken Caroline away from him. A move he should have anticipated. All Esther needed was some white oak, and he and Caroline would be dead.

"For a thousand years you two are certainly dense." Kol rolled his eyes but quickly did as Klaus had asked when he realize his brother's murderous look.

"You and Caroline are bound by blood. As you know, magic like that is almost impossible to break."

"That's a problem, isn't it? Why are you acting like this bond is the solution?" Liz asked, not able to follow what Kol was implying.

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