Greek and Music class

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Percy's POV
I can't not wait until my last two classes . I smile as I just sit in my English class as I look at Paul as he introduces himself to the new students. Don't get me wrong I love Paul he's my step dad but my last two classes are Greek and Music which I just found out during breakfast me and Annabeth have the same class together for those two .

As I was daydreaming Paul called up on me and without thinking I look up" Yeah Dad ?" I quickly blush as everyone laugh at me and Leo fell out of his chair " what he's actually my step dad ." I just say it as everyone gets quite until someone shouts " that's not fair your probably his favorite student." I chuckled softly " oh no I'm an awful kid." I say sarcastically Paul just nodded and agreed " oh yeah he annoys me at home to much so he's not my favorite."

I forgot Leo was in this class with me so I helped him up" You over exaggerated Leo it wasn't that funny." He wipes his eyes " man yes it was " he punched my shoulder as we get back to work I smile as I think about Annabeth .

As the day goes I smile as I get to Greek class I sat down and waited for Annabeth I smiled when she sat next to me and kiss me " Hey Percy ." I smile as I kiss her back "  Hey Wise Girl." I smile as she chuckled " I need to get you a nickname." I stuck my tongue out at her as I chuckled " Okay." I smile as I wrap my arm around her as our teacher Mr.Bunner came in the room in a wheel chair he reminded me of Hagrid from the Harry Potter movies .

As he taught us both me and Annabeth spoke in Greek with him as he asked us to tell us some phrases in Greek as class ended I look over at Annabeth" I didn't know you can speak Greek Wise Girl." I smiled softly " Yeah my mom taught me when I was younger . What about you ? " I smiled softly " my moms Half Greek so she taught me my whole life ." I smile as we walk to music class . As we got into the class I head over and sat down after picking up a guitar ." Ah." I smile as Annabeth hugs me from behind

after a while I heard someone call my name " Percy?" I look up " Lester!" I smile and walks to him shaking his hand " how's it been Percy ?" I smile as I laugh" it's been good man. I guess your my new teacher ." He nodded " and who's this ?" He points to Annabeth." This is my girlfriend Annabeth . Annabeth this is Lester , his dad was one of the cops that worked on the case against my ex stepdad . How's your twin doing ?" He just shrugged " I don't really know she's always out and about ." 

I just shrugged as class starts he points to me to play a song so I got up and started to strum the guitar. I softly play as I look around smiling I stop after a while " Okay Percy since your amazing at the guitar how about you play a different instrument instead like ... the drums for class this year?" I nodded and heads back to my seat putting the guitar back as I sat down Annabeth nudged my shoulder " I didn't know you can play guitar so good ." She smiled " yeah I can . If you want to I can teach you at my house ?" I smile softly as my phone beeps and see it's a text from mom .

" hey Percy you should ask Annabeth if she wants to come over for dinner tonight " I smile as Annabeth place her head on my shoulder to read the text " I would love to go have dinner with tonight with you guys ." I smile softly " okay I'll let her know ."
"Hey mom Annabeth said she'll love to come over for dinner ." Not even one second later she texted me back "😊😊😊 " I chuckled softly " my mom really likes you" after school let out we headed to my bike then went home

A new meaning of friendship and love ( a Percabeth ,and Jiper AU )Where stories live. Discover now