13 - Calling Phil

Start from the beginning

"Why just why?" He asked. He wasn't angry but there was clear annoyance in his voice.

"The teachers were being horrible to me, I wasn't tolerating that shit. I've done nothing wrong, I was standing up for myself and stood up for Techno. If they don't like it they can get fucked." I shrugged. It's true.

"You flipped off nearly all your teachers, turned up in the wrong uniform, spoke back to teachers, left the school premisis, ran away from the principle and got sent out of nearly all of your classes and you've 'done nothing wrong!?'" He yelled at me now really angry. I flinched at the unexpected loudness of his voice but I don't think he noticed. Fucking hell Phil can shout when he needs to. Jesus. I was shaking even more now I didn't show it.

"You wasn't stopping me from wearing the wrong uniform so don't bring that into it." Was the only argumentative thing I could think of to say without getting myself in even more shit.

"Cause I know how important that hoodie is to you. Now go to your room while I decide what to do."

He was now sat on the sofa head in his hands a bit more calm. I felt bad but I wasn't going to apologise for being badly behaved at a school I don't want to be at.

I ran upstairs and started texting everyone.

Y/n; guys I might not be able to message the next few days.

Alex: What whyyy

Y/n; I told yous at lunch what happened with that fucking maths teacher and the principle and then when I got back from meeting yous I got a detention of that deputy head wifey cause I'm not allowed to leave school premises apperently.

Sapnap: how does that mean u won't be able to text tho

Y/n: cause I might be grounded. Idk. I'm sitting in my room waiting for Phil to decide what to do w me. He's strict when It comes to school.

George: Oh god I hope you get off easier cause its only ur first day at the school

Alex: yeah I hope so dude. Let us know how it goes

Y/n: yeah guys I will

I put my phone on charge and was lying on my bed thinking. What was going to happen? Was Phil going to go easy on me because I was a new addition to the family? Or was he going to treat me the same way he would Wilbur and Techno? I wasn't bothered either way. I doubt I'd even be staying here long. I was just thinking when I heard someone moving around upstairs, it wasn't Phil so it must've been Wilbur or Techno. Tommy and Tubbo were at football. There was a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked knowing it wasn't Phil but checking just incase.

"Wilbur. Can I come in?"


He came in, shut the door and sat down on my bed. I sat up next to him.

"Jesus Christ your dad can shout when he wants to." I said jokingly but my voice was wobbly and my hands still badly shaking. I think Wilbur noticed cause he gently reached out to my hand and steadied it.

"Our dad. And yeah he can be hella scary when he wants to be."



"Have you ever been in any fights?"

"Oh yeah quite a few. I was never as bad as Techno though."

"Who have you fought?" I asked wondering if Schlatt would be on the list.

"Just chavy boys that think they are hard. Calling me and Techno freaks and emo's and all that. One day I got sick of it and just turned round and punched the main boy that was starting it. I was so mad I literally knocked him out. Luckily no proper harm was caused but I was put in isolation for 3 weeks, had after school detentions everyday for a month and was on report for 2 months. On the bright side the boy and his crew never said anything to me or Techno again."

"Ohh cool bro but not cool? What did Phil do?"

"He wasn't happy. As in really not fucking happy. I was grounded for a month and then the other month I wasn't allowed to walk myself to or back from school, had to give my electronics to Phil everyday when I got back from school and was only allowed them back for an hour at night and Phil had to see my report everyday when I got back and if he wasn't happy with it I never got to go out that night.

"Oh damn dude so-" I was cut off by a knock on the door. I jumped out my skin and Wilbur put his arm round me reassuringly and I leaned into the hug. Phil opened the door and gestured for Wilbur to go. Wilbur gave me a small thumbs up when he was walking out the door. I had nervous butterfly's in my stomach. I don't know why. I was nervous but I guess I'd have to wait and see.

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