"What was that for?"

"For using her reference and sweet in one sentence. Never – I warn you – never use any positive heart fluttering adjectives in one sentence with her in it." I snapped and took a threatening step towards him as I helped him up on his feet.

"Aww, but she likes you." Seems like he wants to use his own funeral to calm me down. "I think it's fate."

"Right, my ill-fate." I agreed for the first time.

King moved to the cabinet behind my hair and got himself medicine from the first aid box. Once done, he moved his jaw for a couple of times to see if he can still move it freely or not.

Serves him right!

"I don't think so." He spoke incoherently as he moved his jaw again. Standing beside me, he tapped me on my back and looked right into my eyes with one of those awe and admiration filled filthy looks.

"I think it is the good kind of fate that brought you two together. From the way she caused you speechless frequently, and so blatantly showed her interest in you, all the way causing you to keep mum; I think it is fate that sent her to you to tame you and make you a part of normal civilization." He spoke and by the end of it I know he has already gone mad completely.

His nuts are not just loose but lost.

Ignoring my scowl, growl and prowl, he cupped my face with his hands and looked at me in a creepily sweet manner. "You, my friend, my dear one, are handsome and intolerant beyond the range of humankind." With that, he threw me a wink and an air kiss making a loud sound of it.

This man –

Shoving him off, I left the work behind me to go find a bar and get myself drunk. Alcohol is the right way to curb the stress given by other humans.

It was a small yet a vibrant looking bar I usually visit every other day. There's no loud music and the soft music they play is quite pleasant. The drinks they make are different and unique too. This is the only bar I know that have more than half the menu with their signature cocktails that no other can make.

And all of them taste amazing.

"The usual and today's special." I ordered the bartender as I took a seat on the other side of the bar stand.

"Make it two." Came the annoying voice beside me. "You can't go for a drink without me after punching me like this." He grinned before tapping his fingers on the table to the tune playing in the background.

"Ah, sirs, how are you doing lately?" We were greeted with a smile by the owner of this small bar.

The man is pretty handsome and is good looking in his own stand. But not anywhere near me. I mean, I'm Zorion Nigel who is beyond the definition of handsome.

"Good, Fraser. And you?" King replied and I only gave a small curt nod. Washing down the small glass of alcohol down the throat, I felt really good as the stinging feeling scratch my skin.

"Good huh?" Fraser laughed out giving me and King a knowing look before walking off. King and I exchanged glances with each other at how strange the owner behave with is this time.

Drinking silently with King, a few minutes later, Fraser got us each a large jug of some kind of special strong alcohol.

"It's on the house. Finish it. You need it." Fraser voiced out as he placed the jugs before me and King.

King narrowed his eyes and me and when Fraser turned around to walk away, King stopped him. "Wait, what do you mean?"

Turning back to face us, Fraser gave us a small knowing secretive smile as he presented a shrug.

"Tell me." I growled out when he spoke nothing. I made sure my voice is as cold and hard as one can make.

Unfazed by my tone, glare and ordered, Fraser provided us another smile. "Aren't you going to have business crisis in next few days? Better calm down and control your emotions from now on."

"What?" King snapped loudly while I, on the other hand, gave Fraser a long hard look.

Studying the man before me, he looked as familiar as he always was but tonight something tells me he knew something that involves me.

Does he know the confidential details of my company?

Or, did he hear something from his customers?

What is it that made him spew out that nonsense?

"Wait, hey Fraser, you somehow look familiar." King drawled out, scanning him for an extra long minute.

"Tell me, Fraser, why do you think I will face crisis in my well establish, smoothly running business?" There was no anger in my tone, if any, there is tons of amusement.

Who, in their right mind, would love to wag their tail in front of a devil knowing too well that they will end up being tortured with something worse than hell?

"My dear little cousin." He spoke fondly as his eyes sparked with affection. My eyes narrowed and turned into slits when a sudden realization dawned on to me.

"She is after your business now."

And with that my body froze and I stiffened at the mere mention of meow.


Hello Sweeties,

Next chapter is here. Enjoy!

What do you think about the chapter? Good?

Finally, Zorion point of view. Your views?

Will Zorion need a psychic to drive away his bad luck?

What if the same bad luck is his future? How will he cope up then?

What do you think of the bromance between King and Zorion?

Aren't they the ideal couple of the show?

What is up with Zorion's fate seriously, the very same day he met another Almond? That too Meow's another cousin?

Is what Fraser said, a warning or a prophecy?

Is Fraser that confident of his cousin's capabilities?

Aren't Almond cousins too sweet and close?

Please shower me with votes and comments.

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Lots of Love

Lady Prim

Draining Mr. Brainy -(DA series book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz