Ghost Rider And Batman's Bad Blood

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Me and Barbara we're on a date we've been dating for 2 months and it's been good my phone then rang i looked at my phone to see that dick wanted us at the batcave i then created a fire portal and we went through it


We arrived at the batcave to see dick looking at the bat suit

Callan:so what did you wanted from us dick

Barbara:must be important to interrupt our date

Dick:we don't know where bruce is

Callan:what do you mean you don't know where Bruce is

Dick:a couple of hours we lost his signal we tried to track it but couldn't find anything

Callan:and you need our help to find him

Dick:yeah how did you know

Callan:dude your not the first person to ask for my help but if we're going to find him we're going to need more help

Minutes later

We got the whole bat family together we told them that we couldn't find Bruce so we split into groups me dakota dick and Damian Tim Jason Stephanie Barbara and Katherine orphan and ace so we went to find who took Bruce

Hours later

We searched almost everywhere and no sign of him but then i heard an explosion i went to see where it was i jumped through a window to see weird people attacking to men then dick and Damian jumped through as well i transformed into the ghost rider and we battled each other a couple of minutes passed i killed all of them but  we still didn't know who kidnapped Bruce the mans father needed medical treatment so we helped him

At the hospital

The mans father who's name was luke which i found later was sitting on a chair holding his father's hand dick came over and put hand on his shoulder

Dick:I'm so sorry luke

Luke:that's all you have to say i wasn't the fault dick i know

Dick:look this isn't the time

Luke:my dad might feel differently if he could talk i came home from one war just to walk into another one and i want to be apart of it

Callan:i say your in

Dick:Callan you can't be serious

Callan:i am serious he's a soldier dick he needs to be in the front line not stuck lab or board room or a freaking bed side chair and last night I could see the Weapons that could help him weapons that his dad created and almost got killed for and as i said dick we need all the help we can get

Luke:see he understands

Dick:fine he can help

We then created a suit for luke it had metal armour with wings a helmet so know one can see his face and blue light bat symbol on his chest and he chose the name batwing

We then created a suit for luke it had metal armour with wings a helmet so know one can see his face and blue light bat symbol on his chest and he chose the name batwing

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I then heard beeping i looked to see that Damians tracker is moving

Dick:what is it

Callan:Damians tracker is moving

Dick:you putted a tracker on him

Callan:i putted a tracker on all of you

Dick:when did you have time to do that

Callan:it doesn't matter let's get Everyone and find him

Dick nodded and phoned everyone i created a fire portal and we went through it to find out talia was behind all this then we battled

Couple of minutes later

I killed all of them and we got bruce and took him back to the batcave

Hours later

We found talia but she putted bruce under mind control we managed to defeat her and after that me and Barbara went back on our date

Barbara:that was a crazy adventure

Callan:at least i got to spend it with you

Barbara blushed and smiled and we kissed under the moon light

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