Pleasure soon overtook them both as they came undone.

Smut end

They lay still, not having the energy or will to move away from each other.

A loud bang made them both jump.

"Bloody hell!" Rebekah shrieked confronted with their naked bodies.

Klaus simply growled annoyed, not even bothering to look at his sister. Caroline shrieked.

"I know you're all like a billion years old, but knocking is a thing, you know?" She commented.

Klaus chuckled.

"I'm not a billion! And you need to put on some clothes. Elijah wants to talk to you, Nik. And I'm taking Caroline to the Grill." Rebekah stated.

Klaus' chuckle died down. "I don't think so, Bekah."

Rebekah gave Klaus a look that Caroline couldn't quite understand.

Klaus on the other hand seemed to understand as he got up instantly.

Rebekah whooshed away, closing the door with a loud bang.

"What's this about? I don't remember you being convinced so easily." Caroline asked Klaus' retreating back.

"Things to do." Klaus answered as he disappeared into their bathroom.

Caroline rolled her eyes at him.

They had just arrived at the Grill, accompanied by Josh, and ordered themselves some fries and vodka.

"Spill." Rebekah demanded.

"What?" Caroline asked, feigning innocence.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Rebekah insisted.

"Fine!" Caroline took a deep breath. "Actually I don't know what you want me to say. I mean, you saw enough this morning!"

Josh was confused, not really understanding what the blondes were talking about.

"Come on, Care! Just forget I'm his sister for a second. You must be dying to talk about it. How about you start at the beginning?" Rebekah suggested.

"After Klaus saved me from that wolf bite, and we accidentally created a bond between the two of us things just got intense, you know? Spending so much time around someone who's not making a secret about fancying you will do that. I'm just a woman! How was I supposed to resist all his advances? Sharing his room didn't help things, really." Caroline stopped talking when Matt approach them.

"Fries and vodka for the ladies." He announced smiling.

"Thanks, Matt!" Caroline said as she stuffed a few fries in her mouth.

"You alright, Care?" Matt asked.

"Yep." She answered, grabbing more fries.

"Guess I'll keep the drinks coming, then." He joked.

"That'll be great." Rebekah said with a huge smile.

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