chapter xvii

Beginne am Anfang

Then he rethought his thought and grimaced.

He does not like Wilbur again. In fact, he would probably be the worst person to forgive.

Phil looked just as surprised as Tommy, but he sat down anyways. "You do not use that sort of language to your elders, Wilbur."

Wilbur payed no mind to him, instead rubbing at his temples, and then acknowledging the guard again.

"Take him to one of the spare rooms, make sure he's comfortable, and appoint both a guard and a servant to his commands. I'll see to him in a couple of minutes. You're dismissed."

The guard nodded, grabbing Tommy's shoulder, lightly this time, and leading him out of the room. He looked back at Niki, who then looked at Wilbur.

Wilbur looked at Niki, and then nodded, and Niki followed Tommy and the guard to a spare room.

Tommy shrugged the guard's hand off of his shoulder the moment they were out of the room and leaned closer to Niki.

"Man that didn't go so well, did it Miss Niki?" he asked her as they walked to a spare room.

Niki turned to the guard and waved him off, and he reluctantly left.

"Please don't address me as Miss Niki, Tommy. You are much past that level of formality."

"Okay then, Niki, that went shit didn't it?" Tommy rolled his eyes, shoving his hands in his pocket.

"It could have gone better, but at least you weren't kicked out of the castle eh?" Niki smiled, nugding Tommy with her shoulder.

"That is true," Tommy nodded, and they walked to the guest room in minimal silence, with a bit of small talk.

When they arrived at the guest room, Tommy had a question. "What happened to my old room?" Tommy asked, as he sat on the bed.

Tommy almost forgot how soft the beds in the castle were, he'd gotten so used to sleeping on a matress in Dream's room.

Niki looked a bit uncomfortable. "Well, when Phil announced you... you know... he transformed your old room into a nursery/playroom."

Tommy scrunched up his face in confusion. "Nursery? For what?"

Niki paused. "For Wilbur's son."

Tommy blinked.

Then blinked again.

"Wilbur has a SON?" 

"His name is Fundy, he's a very sweet boy. Only three years old, and I'm sure he'd love to meet you."

"So Wilbur has a wife?"

Niki's face turned into the literal definition of 'yikes.'

"Well, she sort of... passed away. A week or two ago. Wilbur wasn't home to see her go either. It's a bit of a touchy subject."

Tommy felt his heart tighten. He felt bad for Wilbur.

"Why wasn't he home?" Tommy asked, but after he saw the look on Niki's face, Tommy's jaw dropped.

"Was it because he was... looking... for me?" Tommy thought back to the security footage from a week ago. 


"Small warning for you, yeah? That may be why he was a bit shocked to see you. He'd spent years looking for you, and then he took a week break from his job to go and try to find you, when he came back, he found out that there was a break in, and his wife was assassinated." Tommy grimaced at the word. "He gave up looking for you, and so you could only imagine his shock seeing you here, yeah?"

Tommy swallowed.

"Oh that... that sucks."

Niki swatted his shoulder playfully. "I gave you a whole speech, and all you have to say is 'that sucks?'"

"Does that mean he... doesn't want me here?"

That would probably be very bad for his plan.

(And also he wouldn't want to impose on Wilbur's personal life) but that thought stays at the back of his head.

"Of course not!" Niki persuaded, shaking her head rapidly. "He wants you here, for sure."

"Mhm" Tommy nods, wrapping himself in a blanket as he scouted out the room. 

There was a door that lead to the main hallway, but the room also has two different doors which he has to find out the use of, there's a window that looks like it would open pretty easily, and he's sure he's on the first floor, unless there was some sort of ramp he missed. 

"What are you doing?" Niki asked, watching him look around the room, and Tommy shrugged. 

"Just admiring. It's a pretty nice room. Better than the village room."

That was half true, and half false.

His home back at the academy, albiet small, was technologically advanced, and stepping into here, even with all its regalicy, he misses the academy's electronic fridge.

"Tommy?" Niki snaps him out of his thoughts, and Tommy looks up.

"Yeah?" he asks, and Niki motions to the hallway, where Wilbur stands, unsurely.


Niki starts to walk to the door. "I'll give you guys some privacy, but I'll be right in my room if you need me, Tommy."

Wilbur and Niki switched places, and Wilbur took a seat on the sofa across the bed as Niki shut the door behind her.

Tommy removed the blanket from him, realizing he looked like a baby.

Tommy waited for Wilbur to say something, anything really, but he just sat on the couch silently, thinking about how to start a conversation.

It was silent, until a single voice spoke up.

"How long do I have?"

⊱⊱ ──── {◦◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦◦} ──── ⊰⊰

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