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Disclaimer: this story is purely fictitious, any events or behaviors portrayed by any characters has nothing to do with real life!


Well....im sure you've heard about people writing something on a piece of paper and placing it on the hospital rooftop on new years eve right...?

its to write a message to their loved ones..

That has left them during their hardest times

Or even times where they didn't even realize it was time...

For them to leave

You know..

It can be anything..

They place gifts on the note hoping the other would notice it...

And they place it at the hospital rooftop

As a place to remember them...

December 31st 2031

10:30 pm

New years is almost here, just in time for everyone to celebrate..

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow bye!" You ended the call finally taking a sip to your favorite coffee while driving across the freezing, cold street. After all its winter night, "its finally today again isn't it?" You smiled softly while driving recalling all the events happened..

I can never miss this important day..

"I bought you gifts....and a note...i hope you like it.." you drove a little faster since it was already 10:40 pm. A few hours before new years day

I can't celebrate new years without you

December 31st, it wasn't a big event but soon it went everywhere across the webs where people know about the day and they started doing the same thing that was already recognized everywhere...

It wasn't popular but

That event

Made it rise again

It wasn't just for them...

But to remember her as well

Everyone misses you...

We all do....

He Walked towards the 11th floor which was the rooftop, opening the brown door he saw everyone standing nearby the ledges as they waved at him while others were starting to fill the space of the rooftop

He walked closer,

The same place for years...

He placed the gifts

Im finally back...

Well ....

This is how it actually went...

June 30 2021

"MOM STOP...." She screamed in pain as she gripped her head almost ripping her scalp off she cried and begged

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