Bitter Heart

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Once Luca's cuts had been bandaged up, he, his parents, Giulia, Sofia, and Massimo sat in the waiting room. They'd been at the hospital for nearly three hours, and Luca was starting to grow impatient again. He wanted so badly to see Al, to know if he was going to be ok.

But all he could do was wait.

Two minutes later, Alberto's room door opens and the Doctor steps out.

Massimo immediately stood up, looking very worried. "Is he ok?"

The Doctor responded, "Yes. He passed out from blood loss, but we were able to clean him up and get him hooked up to the heart monitor. It's a good thing you were able to make it in time, he was very close to..."

Luca, Giulia, and Sofia exchanged scared looks. Daniella and Lorenzo held hands. Massimo teared up, "Is...anything broken?"

The Doctor looked down at her clipboard, "Uh, yes. After taking a look at him through the x-ray, we found that his nose and one of his ribs had been fractured. He'll need to stay here for a few days, but of course he's welcome to have visitors."

"The kids told me he got into a fight...did he explain what happened?" asked Massimo.

"Yes," she replied, nodding. "From what Alberto told me, the kids that were involved had broken his nose, and then his rib with the wooden part of a harpoon. And then...well, you know the rest."

Luca wiped his eyes, shaking. His parents hugged him close. Massimo wiped the tears from his face, "Oh, my poor boy...he'd been having such a hard time here with them. But no matter where he goes to try to get away from them, they always...seem to find him and Luca."

The Doctor looked at him with sorrow, "I'm so sorry about that. He's going to be alright, I can assure you. I know this may be hard to hear, and I'm sorry to have to tell you this."

Massimo shook his head, "No, grazie. I'm just grateful that you were able to save him. Thank you so much. Is he resting at the moment?"

"Yes, signor," the Doctor answered. "I'm sorry to say this, but you will have to go for now. When he's ready, you'll be able to take him home."

Everyone nodded, but lowered their heads.

"I understand. Grazie, again." Sighing, Massimo began walking to the exit, the others behind him.

Before closing the doors behind him, Luca looked at Alberto's door one last time before slumping away, heart aching for him.


After arriving to Massimo's, they talked outside for a bit.

"I hope he isn't in any pain..." murmured Sofia.

"Hey, he's going to be alright," Giulia replied, rubbing her back. "He's tough, I know he'll make it through."

Daniella and Lorenzo helped comfort Massimo, but the kids were silent.

Luca just stood staring at the ground, he couldn't think of anything but Alberto. What they just went through. The damage that had been done to Al. He was angry at Ercole, angry at himself.

I should've been there to help him... Luca thought, as he could feel his eyes tear up again. He put his face in his hands.

Just...why? Why does this keep happening to us? Why won't people just let us be happy? Why can't I just be close to Alberto without anyone freaking out about it?!


Luca jumped and quickly wiped his eyes as his mother and father approached him.

Daniella sighed, lowering her eyes. "I know this is hard for you, bubble. And I'm so sorry for both you and Alberto..."

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