Complicated Feelings

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Luca stirred awake as he felt breathing in his ear. After rubbing his eyes to fully clear his vision, Luca lifted his head up, and he immediately froze. He found himself laying very close to Alberto, so close that Luca's head touched his shoulder. Al's breath hit Luca's hair and ear as he slept.

Luca's face burned like fire, his heart pounded like it was going to explode inside him. How did this happen?! He wondered. He was so shocked that, by accident, a small squeak escaped his throat. He quietly gasped as Alberto grunted, his sleep being disturbed. But he just kept his eyes closed and relaxed again.

Luca began to wonder how he could've possibly fallen asleep on Al's chest and not realize it. He laid back down and was about to carefully scoot away, until Alberto stretched his arms out, resting one of them around Luca's shoulder, which prevented him from moving.

Are you KIDDING me?! Luca screamed in his head, biting his lip. There was no way to escape this situation now, if he didn't want to wake Alberto up. Luca tensed up as Al rested his cheek in his hair, letting out a sigh. This isn't happening right now, thought Luca, It's just a dream...but WHY DOES IT NOT FEEL LIKE IT?

After two minutes had passed, Luca finally decided to give in and just wait until he woke up to get out of this position. But then Luca had another thought. This...kinda feels nice. He smiled, He's really warm.

Then Luca's eyes went big. What the heck am I thinking? He's my friend! He'd get so weirded out if he woke up like this! And then things would get awkward between us forever!

Luca became desperate again to break away from Alberto, but he was so anxious about him waking up that he couldn't do anything but just lay there and feel his breathing. He couldn't stop overthinking about what would happen if Alberto suddenly awoke. I think I feel an anxiety attack coming... Luca thought, worried as his heart started racing like crazy.

His thoughts went blank as Alberto suddenly hugged him closer to him, resting his head against his. Luca started taking deep breaths to try calming himself down. It's fine, Luca. It's just Bruno being a nuisance again. Alberto wouldn't hate you, you know he cares about you just as much as you care about him. This'll all blow over soon.

Once Luca felt relaxed, he started to feel comfortable in Alberto's arm. He smiled again, This is nice, this is ok. It's not even that big of a deal. M

He felt peaceful, like he could easily fall asleep like this. Which he was just about to, actually, until he heard little feet walking towards him and Al, and then a small meow.

Luca gasped, freezing up again in shock, as Alberto shot up awake, yelling. "What?! No! NO MORE AIR-HORNS OR I SWEAR-" He suddenly froze too, when he noticed Luca, who stared at him with wide eyes. The longer they looked at each other, the more red their faces got.

Alberto quickly turned away from him, "O-oh, uh, sorry. I guess the cat scared me awake...wait-"

He scanned around him to see where the cat went. "Luke? Was that you? Come on, dude. Get out here!" As he heard another meow coming from one of the branches in the hideout, he spotted Luke, reached his hands out towards him, and took him in his arms.

"You little diavolo (devil), you scared me half to death! You scared me awake too, which is even WORSE! I was sleeping so comfortably, Luke!"

Luca smiled softly as he watched Alberto talk to his cat. A slight blush appeared across his cheeks, He kinda looks cute when he does that...

After realizing what he'd just said in his mind, he let out a frustrated sigh and put his face in his hands. Why did I just think that?

"Sorry that I woke you," Alberto said, looking at him.

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