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On their last day at Dino's, Luca and Alberto continued helping with work, and Luca was no longer distant again. They laughed and played together as they built and organized a bunch of stuff with Dino's crew. As they got along, Luca began learning more things that Al taught him while they were working.

Because of Al, he wasn't as afraid of what other people thought about him, or messing something up, because he knew he had Alberto there for him. He felt so lucky and appreciative to have him in his life, he wished Al knew how much he meant to him.

Whenever they took breaks, Al would take him to all the places in town he'd found to show Luca around. They'd spent hours pranking and scaring each other in abandoned buildings, played in the creeks or ponds, played with the other kids, talked while they walked on the beach, and explored around underwater.

They both could tell that something was different about themselves. They knew that they'd been feeling something that they thought was 'odd' around each other, but had never admitted it. They wanted to try to have fun without getting so close to each other, but neither of them could help it. The two couldn't see with their own eyes that this might be more than friendship, they only denied it whenever they actually thought about it.

Luca had thought about asking Alberto if he knew anything about these feelings too, but he didn't want to seem like he was trying to be weird, so he decided he'd wait for the right time, whenever he felt comfortable. A part of him wanted to explain his feelings to Al, just to let them out and not be worried about it anymore. He didn't want his fear to get in the way again, but he still wanted to wait a little longer.

That night, after they finished working, Dino had left the cabin, so it was just Luca and Alberto alone. Their clothes were still dirty and muddy after all the work they had done, so Luca changed in the bedroom and Alberto went to the bathroom. When Luca was done, he sat on Al's bed while he waited. As he stuffed his clothes into his bag, he said to Alberto, "You done yet? You've been in there a while."

Cracking the door open, Alberto muttered in a playful tone, "Quiet, I'm fixing my hair."

Luca raised an eyebrow at him, Of course you are. Peeking through the door, he glanced up at Alberto and noticed that he wasn't wearing a shirt.

Squinting at him, Luca questioned, "Fixing your hair is more important than putting on a shirt?"


Opening the door wider, Alberto stepped out, staring unamused at Luca. Neither of them said a word. Staring awkwardly, Luca hovered his eyes at Al's chest and saw small scars and bruises. Noticing that he'd been staring too long, Luca quickly turned his head away, face turning red. He blocked his face with his hand, so Al didn't see it, but it was too late.

Smirking, Alberto walked closer to him. "What?"

"Uh, nothing," Luca murmured, his cheeks growing hotter.

He yelped loudly as Al started slapping him with his shirt.

"Why were you looking at me, Luca? Tell me!" Al smiled as he kept hitting him.

Grabbing the shirt, Luca laughed, "I wasn't! Go away!"

Dragging him down on the floor, Alberto snickered as they started playing tug-of-war with his shirt. "Tell me, dude! I won't quit asking!"

Trying to keep himself from blushing, Luca giggled, "Shut up! I just saw your scars, ok?! How did you even get them?"

Brushing his hair out of his face, Al replied, "Oh, ya know. Working, getting into trouble, handling my psychotic cats. Same old stuff."

Luca didn't reply, he just gazed at Al's chest again, daydreaming. Gosh, how can someone be this frickin cute? He looks so soft, I just wanna hug him!

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