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That night, Luca and Alberto lay awake under the "fish", laughing while they tackled each other.

"LEMME TOUCH THE HAIR, AL!" Luca screeched, laughing loudly.

Giggling, Alberto shoved him off of him. "NO! DON'T TOUCH MY HAIR, IT'S TOO BEAUTIFUL AND DELICATE!"

"THAT'S NOT FAIR! YOU GET TO TOUCH MY HAIR!" Luca argued as he tried crawling back on top of him.

Squirming and kicking, Alberto snickered, "SO? WHY DO YOU WANNA TOUCH IT SO BADLY?"

"BECAUSE IT'S A FLOOF! I MUST TOUCH THE FLOOF!" Luca pounced on top of Al and wrapped his arms and legs around him, so Al couldn't get him off.

"GET OFF OF MEEEE," Alberto growled, pulling at Luca's clothing and his arms.


After struggling to pull him off, Al sighed and gave up. Instead, he laid on the wooden floor, with a little boy clinging onto him like a spider.

"Fine," Alberto groaned, defeated.

Luca smiled, and began petting his long hair gently. He ran his fingers through it, brushing his curls. Luca giggled, "It literally feels like a CLOUD!"

Alberto blushed and smiled at him, "I know. Also, your hands are soft."

Luca burst out laughing, Alberto joined in. After catching their breaths, Luca continued smoothing out his hair. "This is actually fun," he said, grinning.

"Wow, you're easy to impress," Al muttered, smirking.

Al wasn't gonna lie, but he actually was enjoying this. The only person he liked touching his hair was Luca, because he liked his touch more than anything else. Though, he had been wondering if he actually liked Luca. He knew about crushes and all that stuff, but he wasn't sure if sharing love with another boy was ok.

He never thought he'd have these feelings for someone, but he could tell that he definitely felt differently for Luca than anyone else. Alberto couldn't tell if Luca liked him, but he knew how much he loved being with him, so he returns that feeling, but makes sure that he's not going too far. Things seemed to have been going fine with them lately, and Al planned to try to make it stay that way.

He didn't think it was bad to show affection to another boy, besides, maybe everyone else would be fine with it too. It's not their business, anyway, he thought to himself.

Al noticed that Luca was about to fall asleep, so he placed his hand on his cheek to wake him up. Luca opened his eyes and smiled tiredly. "Dang it, your gorgeous hair is making me tired."

Al snorted, "Nah, I think you just wore yourself out by attacking me. And my hair isn't as gorgeous as your face."

After realizing what he said, Alberto started to panic inside. But then Luca buried his face in his neck, closing his eyes. "No, your face is gorgeous-er," he replied with a muffled voice.

Al smiled and hugged him, running his hand through his hair. Before falling asleep, he murmured, "You're too sweet, Luca..."


It's been three days, but it was a weird three days. The group hadn't seen Riccardo at all, even when they made plans to hang out. The only times they'd seen him was when he went shopping for food, or getting some things for Elena. They would try approaching him, but he ran away every time he noticed them. It was like he was afraid of them, even though they had done nothing wrong.

It was very confusing, because they thought that everyone in the group was getting along well. And then suddenly one day, Riccardo just ditches them, and he never even told them why. He just completely stopped talking to them, and started hiding from them, too. The four friends became worried for him.

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