Sad Truth

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"You..." Chiara growled as she glared at Alberto with disgust.

"Get away from her NOW," Al raised his voice, walking closer to her.

Without hesitation, Chiara grabbed the girl and held her close to her, keeping her from moving. "DON'T come any closer, you freak," Chiara snarled at him.

Alberto stopped, squinting his eyes at them. "I won't say it again, Chiara. If you don't let that girl go, I'll-"

"You'll WHAT, HUH? Fight me?" Chiara yelled, "You'll only make the situation worse, Al. You'll just get yourself hurt."

Alberto's glare grew angrier, "Don't call me Al. And I don't care what happens to me, just don't take the girl's money, she did nothing to you. Just leave her alone."

Chiara scoffed, smirking evilly. "Don't tell me what to do. My group owns these streets, we can do whatever the hell we want. And if you're so concerned about it, why don't you come over here and do something? And while you're at it, you can see what kinda tricks Matteo and I can do! I think you'd be impressed."

Alberto shook his head, giving her a smug look. "You think you're the toughest here, don't you? You think just because you're bigger than some kids here, you can make them bow down to you and do whatever you want? You know, that just shows how sad your lives are. You got nothing better to do than make other people miserable. Are you really that insecure?"

Hearing those words made Chiara tighten her grip around the little girl, making her squirm as she gasped for air. Chiara threw her to the ground and started approaching Alberto, her fists balling up. She seethed with anger.

Alberto pulled out his pocket knife and switched the blade up, pointing it at her. She stopped as she noticed the knife. She looked at him, breathing heavily.

"Are you going to use that on me?" She lowered her voice.

"Only if I have to," Al replied. "This situation can easily be avoided if you two just walk away and never do anything like this again."

After a minute of silence, Chiara smirked, replying, "Oh, we won't...not when you're around. But, if you are...I'll kill you next time, fishy boy."

She and Matteo turned around, walking away, down another street. Once they were out of sight, Alberto put his knife away and approached the girl. Luca got up and followed him. They helped the girl up and asked if she was alright.

She slowly nodded, hugging her chest. "Uh-huh...yeah. G-grazie (thanks)."

Alberto smiled warmly, wiping her tears away. "Don't mention it, kid. I won't let it happen again, I swear."

Luca nodded, "Yeah, no one deserves to be put in that situation. You still got your money, right? We could, walk you over to the shops and let you get that hat for your Dad, we'll keep you safe!"

"Yep," said Alberto. "We'll make sure no one hurts you. You'll be safe with us!"

The girl nodded, hugging both of them. "O-ok, grazie!"

They held her hands as they walked their way to the shops.


Alberto walked the girl inside while Luca waited outside. He suddenly noticed Giuila jogging towards him with three ice creams in her hands, "There you are! I was looking for you bozos! Where's Alberto?"

Luca pointed his thumb behind him, "Oh, he's helping a girl buy a hat for her Dad...we, kinda got into a situation with that Chiara girl."

Giuila's eyebrows raised, her mouth dropping open. "Oh no...what happened?"

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