Help Me Understand

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"Woah, it looks incredible!" Exclaimed Alberto, holding a thumbs up, just as excited as Luca was.

Turning to Luca, Leo asked him, "So? You like it?"

With a big smile, Luca squealed quietly, biting his nails. Unable to control himself from the excitement, he jumped onto Alberto and they both fell to the ground. Dino and Leo hollered laughing.

Hugging Al's chest, Luca cried, "This is AMAZING, Alberto! I- how- oh my gosh I love IT! You're the BEST thing in this WORLD! I-I..."

He squeezed Alberto tighter, close to tears. Hugging him back, Al laughed, "I KNEW you'd love it, Luca! God, that's so good to hear, we've been trying so hard to get it! I'm so happy that you're happy, seeing you smile is everything to me!"

Luca's heart skipped a beat as he said that. Blushing, his smile grew bigger and he felt butterflies in his stomach. Looking at Al again, he asked, "W...why did you wanna get it so badly?"

Looking away from him, Alberto replied, "Well...I still really like Vespas, I just think they're cool. After sending you to school, I planned on getting us another one that we can ride every summer. It's just for riding around, exploring new places. Not, you know, running away like we'd tried before. Plus, I'm getting tired of riding a bike everywhere, heheh."

Luca felt so flattered that Alberto still thought about him, even when he was gone. He wasn't expecting them to get another Vespa, and he had to admit, he did miss riding one. Burying his face in Al's neck, he replied, "Thank you so much, Alberto. Thank you. I would love to ride it, especially with you."

Heart skipping, Alberto smiled at him sweetly. They embraced into a hug again.


"IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!" Sofia screamed with excitement, jumping up and down.

"THIS is what you'd been working for?!" Giulia asked Alberto, astonished.

Alberto leaned against the Vespa, feeling proud of himself. "Yep. And now that we have it, we can take it wherever we want."

Raising an eyebrow, Giulia asked, " you even know how to ride it?"

Alberto scoffed, "Of course I do! I'd been riding the other Vespas here, so I could practice and learn how to drive one. I'm amazing at it, trust me."

Giulia smirked, "Mm, if you say so. At least you didn't risk your life for one, this time."

Luca chuckled, "Oh yeah..."

Hugging both of them, Giulia said, "Well, I'm proud of you two. Now you can ride the Vespa together to wherever your hearts' desire. Just stay careful, you hear?"

"We will, Giulia," Luca smiled, returning the hug.

"You know, you and Sofia can ride it too, sometimes, if you want," Alberto told them. "But I'd have to drive you, since you can't drive it yourselves. Sound fun?"

Squealing, Sofia hugged Giulia. "YES! Of course it does! I'm so flattered that you'd let us ride it, Al! Thank you!"

Holding a thumbs up, Giulia grinned at Alberto, "Yeah, thanks, bro."

After taking it to their backyard, Alberto set it against the gate and placed a sheet over it, so it wouldn't get wet. Patting it, he said to the group, "Alright, I have a feeling that Ercole and his idiots will try to steal it, or break it. So, we'll keep it in here some days, and other days we'll go to our hiding spots to ride it. Cool?"

Luca, Giulia, and Sofia nodded.

Sofia gasped, "Oh! What if we all rode it together?"

Al snickered, "Uh, I don't think we can all fit on it. You guys would have to ride bikes for us all to be able to ride around together."

Beautiful Mistakes || Luca x Alberto <3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin