The night is dark, and my restless mind only intensifies the uncertainty running through my veins. I wrap my arm around Allie's waist and pull her closer. She rests her head against my chest, letting out a content sigh. Having her near is what my soul longs for, and I know hers is the same. I'm usually the rock in our relationship, but I admit I'm cracking under this invisible, unknown predator that I feel encircling us.

"Eve, are you okay?" Allie asks, tilting her head up.

Her sleepy voice makes me smile. "Yes, baby," I say.

"Are you still having trouble sleeping?"

"I'm fine." I comb the loose strands of hair that have fallen across her face away.

"You haven't slept in three days, Eve." She frowns. "I know you're exhausted. What can I do to help?"

"Nothing, baby. It'll pass." I try to reassure her, but her questionable expression staring back at me proves I'm failing.

"I'm going to make you some chamomile tea," she says, sliding out of bed. I watch her leave the room before covering my eyes with my hands and letting out a deep breath. Tea won't help. It never has worked for me, but I know she is trying to help, so I'll let her try.

I get out of bed and make my way to the living room window. The endless black sky reminds me of my wings. How I miss them. But I don't regret my choice in loving Allie. I thought once my creator was out of the picture, I'd gain them back, but I guess I was wrong. I try not to show my pain in front of Allie. I've convinced her that my loss isn't because of her, and truthfully, it isn't. I made a choice and consequences are always a reflection of our choices. I stare up at the glistening stars dotting the sky. Flying at night was always my favorite. My jet black wings camouflaged me well, and I felt unstoppable.

Allie brushes my arm with her hand. I jump at her touch. I hadn't realized she was near.

"Eve?" she asks. "I've been talking to you."

"I'm sorry... I didn't hear you, baby." I shake my head and smile a nervous smile her way as she hands me the cup of tea.

I take a sip and try to ignore her hand-on-the-hip-I-don't-believe-you stance. I know the look well. Most of the time I love the attitude that follows, but when she does the move to me, I know I'm in trouble.

"I know something is bothering you, angel. Why won't you talk to me about it?"

"Because Allie, I don't know if it's something to worry about or not. I need to talk to Damion."

Her face flinches at the sound of my ex-boyfriend's name. "Why do you need to talk to him?"

"He may be able to tell me if what I'm feeling has a purpose or not," I say without thinking how my words may sound to her.

"Feeling? Purpose? What's that supposed to mean?" she asks defensively.

"Allie... baby," I reach out to her.

"Don't, Allie, baby, me." She steps away.

"Stop worrying about my intentions with Damion. I do not like or love him," I say more aggressively than I intend. I sigh. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I -."

"Sometimes I wonder, Eve. I do. Because you have this connection with him I can't compete with." Her lip quivers, but she breathes deep and swallows the lump of emotion down.

"You have nothing to compete with. My love and heart only belong to you." I reach for her again. This time she doesn't back away. She lowers her head and wraps her arms around my waist. I embrace her with one arm around her shoulders, while the other still holds my cup of tea.

"I'm sorry," she begins. "I'm just intimated by your connection with him."

"I know."

"I didn't mean to make all of this about me," she says, burying her head deeper into my chest.

"Allie, our relationship is about the both of us. If you are feeling hurt, I want to know about it. No matter how ridiculous you think it might be."

She lifts her head and stares up at me. "And I want to know about the things that bother you, angel. Your happiness matters to me."

"I'm not going to get out of this conversation, am I?" I ask, staring lovingly back into her eyes.

"Not a chance," she says, taking my hand.

She leads me over to the couch and takes a seat. I sit next to her, our hands still entwined. I know she is waiting and expecting me to spill my guts, but I can't bring myself to do it. The moment I explain to her that she isn't exactly free of the demons and darkness of my world, she will become panicked and worried. The thought of making her upset sickens me.

Allie lies on her back, stretching out her legs on the couch while resting her head in my lap.

"Drink your tea. I will wait." She smiles.

Sacrifice: Beyond Series, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now