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"Harvey!" Emma called my name as I walked past the living room

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"Harvey!" Emma called my name as I walked past the living room.

"Yeah?" I asked, entering the room to find her searching the bookcase.

"Have you seen the book about peculiar history?" She asked me.

I glanced around the room, my eyes landing on a book on top of the piano.

"This one?" I lifted it up.

"Yes! Thank you!" She ran off out the room and I followed her, curious as to what was happening.

"Emma, did you find it?" Miss Peregrine asked as we walked into the pantry.

"Yes, Harvey has it." She nodded while I handed her the book.

"Take a seat Harvey, that'll be all Emma." She took the book.

I sat down on the sofa next to Miss Peregrine who was sat next to Jake.

She opened the book, revealing a photograph of Barron and his friends.

"Many years ago...a splinter faction emerged among our people. Disaffected peculiars tired of living in loops." Miss Peregrine started to explain.

"That's Mr. Barron." Jake pointed to the man in the centre of the photo, receiving a nod from Miss Peregrine.

"He believed that by harnessing the essence of an Ymbryne's powers...he and his cronies could gain immortality and be able to live outside loops. He devised an experiment. He kidnapped an Ymbryne not knowing or caring whether she would survive the experiment." Miss Peregrine explained.

She turned the page and showed us a photo of the machine we had seen in Horace's dream.

"But the fate of Barron and his group was more horrifying still." Miss Peregrine turned the page again, this time showing us a picture of the hollows.

"Why did Barron turn in to one?" I asked.

"He did, but years later...he found a way to reverse the effects. To regain humanity. They had become not immortal gods, but Hollows. Invisible beasts, dangerous." She answered.

"Remember Emma told you they raided loops? This is why." Another then of the page showed us nine children, each without eyes.

"Barron discovered that by consuming the eyes of other peculiars...especially children...he began to change. Consume enough, and a Hollow van fully regain its human form. Just as Barron and some of his friends did. The rest of them are stuck as Hollows." Miss Peregrine finished.

"Are you saying that Barron ate my grand..." Jake trailed off.

"He needs no more eyes himself, but I fear he led a Hollow to your grandfather. Yes. After the first attacks on loops...we all got better at hiding, making new loops, keeping our whereabouts a secret. The hollows grow more desperate every year and Barron wishes to help his friends." Miss Peregrine answered.

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