Troubles! (Praglong)

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A//n: Yes me misspelling prologue will be a joke till the prologue is done

Started writing-M/S/13- 13/8/21

Finished writing-


Packing the food from yesterday into a lunch tin and your bag, today was meatloaf day and unfortunately, the meatloaf at your school sucks so you decided to take your leftovers.

You couldn't stop thinking about last night and that dream, "Dont trust who..." You muttered to yourself.

"Sweetie you're going to be late!" Your Mother called out, "Coming!" You yelled. Double-checking that you have everything for the day before zipping up your bag.

Waving goodbye to your mother as she locked the front door and going her separate way.

The sky was dark and gloomy, yet calming. Walking past other students and children running to their schools, adults sitting at the bus stop to head to work.

It was nice today took your mind off the nightmare.

'okay,' You thought 'my mom somehow met a really rich guy at a diner she works at, he liked her she likes him, he starts helping out financially, they start dating, we get better furniture, then she introduces me to him, I meet him and his brother, I meet his brother's son. dinner ends, we go home and then out of nowhere in my 17 years of living I get a nightmare about someone...' so lost in thought you weren't paying attention to the road.

before you could get hit by a truck someone pulled you back "AKC! " you choked falling over on your butt. "hey wh-" "PAY ATTENTION!" Someone screamed at you. looking up you saw Izza, seeing a few red spots on her skin.

"oh....thanks?" you mumbled. slowly getting up and dusting off your pants, you expected her to walk off but instead, she stood with you. "u-umm are you going to g-" "well let's go! we're going to be late!" Izza barked grabbing your hand.

before you could protest or pull your hand away she started walking, pretty quickly too.

"w-woah wait h-hold-" "Shut up and move lazy fuck" Izza barked again. Glaring at her you pulled your hand away "What the hell..." you grumbled walking in front of her. She followed right behind you.

by the time you got to school the first bell had rung "oh don't worry, we have first period together" she said calmly walking to her locker. walking to your locker a note fell out. picking it up and flipping it slightly to see if someone had signed it only for it to be blank.

Opening the letter you saw cut-up magazine strips into letters. " L e A v e " was all it said. no one sighed it, shrugging your shoulders you assume the note was meant for someone else. there was a creep's locker who was next to yours.

"you done lameo?" Izza asked leaning against the lockers. "your insults suck" you blurted out what you were thinking "I-i...I'm trying okay?!" she stuttered. you looked at her with furred eyebrows and a frown "......" "You trying? PFTT AH!" you laughed "S-shut up! and let's go!" she grumbled storming off.

you continued to giggle walking right behind her doing what you've longed to do, which was make the bully taste their own medicine.

"Izza (name) your both la-" "hush it Mr brown or do i-" "n-no no it's alright...just please don't let it happen again" He stuttered looking back at the dry erase board.

Kassy and matt looked at you "Where were you this morning?" kassy whispered as Mr. Brown started teaching again. "uhh idk lost track of time" you lied.


As the morning passed Izza was stuck to you like glue, much to yours and the annoyance of the others

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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