VIII. Unpleasant Encounters

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• Killua •

"Illumi!" Killua nearly jumped out of his seat. "What are you doing here?"

"Hey, Kil, Gon, Akari." Illumi took a longer look at Leorio. "Sorry, I don't remember your name."

Leorio bared his teeth at the older Zoldyck, while Illumi turned his attention to Akari.

"Akari, any updates?"

Akari gulped. "No, not yet."

"You're lying."

Killua watched the interaction between the two. He had not expected them to be on friendly terms, much less partners. His anger got the better of him, and he couldn't contain his bloodlust. "What do you think you're doing?" he spat, as he pointed an accusatory finger at Akari. "Are you working with Illumi?!"

Illumi took a step back. "Take a deep breath, Kil."

"Shut up, Illumi! I'm not talking to you right now!" Killua turned his face back towards Akari. "I've tried to stay away from you so that you wouldn't be a victim of Illumi's, and you turn your back on my efforts and partner up with him? Are you insane?!"

Akari had no response. Tears were forming in the corners of her eyes. "I'm sorry, Killua. I had no choice."

Killua slammed his fists on the table. "Really now?! Explain yourself!"

Akari quickly explained that Illumi had visited her at the library one day, and that he sought out her help to collect information on a mysterious target. He had offered to provide her inside information on the Phantom Troupe in exchange for her help.

"So you did have a choice! You could have said no! What was so important for you to know about the Phantom Troupe that you accepted a partnership with Illumi, of all people?!"

Akari was hurt. Killua could see that, but he was so mad. He felt betrayed by the very person he tried to protect. Illumi was a wild card, and Killua couldn't bear to see him take advantage of Akari like that.

"I needed information on a specific person," Akari whispered.

"Oh, which one?" Illumi asked, seemingly unfazed by Killua's outburst.


Everyone got quiet. Killua suppressed his bloodlust, interested in what Akari had to ask. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to hear her out before judging her.

"What about him?" Illumi pressed.

"I want to know why he attempted to abduct me years ago."

Everyone inhaled sharply, eyes wide. What? Killua thought.

"Oh! I think I know this one." Illumi placed a finger on his chin. He took a moment to process what he was going to say next. "You must be the girl he thought was his lost sister." He shrugged. "I guess he just wanted to make sure."

"He hurt me!" Akari cried.

"How?" asked Illumi. He held an expression of doubt on his face.

"He-he-he..." Akari stammered.

"He what, Akari?" Killua pushed. "Stop stuttering!" He was tired of the girl, and he had no mercy.

Tears rushed down the Crime Hunter's face. She began to sob uncontrollably, and her shoulders shook. She was also breathing rather rapidly. "He tried to kill me. He punctured my neck right above my aorta! If it hadn't been for my father and Ging, I would've been gone that night!"

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