Author's Note

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Hey hey hey!

If you're reading this now, that means you've probably finished the book :) Congrats!

In case some of the characters seem a bit out of character, it's because I wrote this fanfic having only watched Hunter x Hunter through the York New City arc and various other clips of Hunter x Hunter.

Regardless, I really enjoyed writing this book, and I hope that reflected throughout it. I actually wrote it as a challenge for myself, and I'm happy to say I accomplished it!

In the future, I may post extras as a continuation of Akari's relationship with some of the other characters. While they are in the works, I'm not sure if I'll ever get to a place where they will be published. If I do publish them, they will likely be in a separate collection since the writing style will likely change as well :)

Again, thank you so much for reading. This means the world to me! And my humble apologies to those of you who waited on the last chapter for so long. I do hope that it was well worth the wait :)

- babyneko21

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