Chapter 20

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Coulta was not fond of waking up in pain, no matter how many times he seemed to be doing so over the last year. He wasn't sure how he had slept while in such pain except that Wildas's soothing presence had been in his dreams all night. Surely that meant he was still alive.

That was the thought that finally brought him into full wakefulness. His room was filled with soft morning light and Anil was doing her embroidery, seated on a chair by his bedside. She looked up at him and set her work aside.

"I'm glad you're awake," she said with a smile. "Are you in pain?"

"Much," he replied, his voice dry.

Anil nodded and stood. "I'll go for Myri."

Coulta took the opportunity to determine where his pain was coming from, and easily decided it was from everywhere. His entire body ached, though his arms did seem to hurt the worst. A quick glance told him they were both splinted and resting above the blankets. He could move completely, though it only increased his pain.

Vaguely, he remembered the battle, his fight with Kemale, and Myri healing him. Everything else was foggy and confusing. Unicorns seemed to occupy some corner of his memory, but that didn't make sense to him.

He was distracted from his thoughts by Wildas rushing into the room. He braced himself for more pain, but Wildas slowed as he reached the bed and was careful not to jostle him when he leaned down and touched his forehead gently to Coulta's. Coulta could feel his husband's tears when Wildas turned to press his cheek against his forehead. Wildas's hand was shaking when he reached to gently cradle Coulta's head. All Coulta wanted was to reach up and hold Wildas, but the splints made that impossible.

"I'm not sure how many times I can take nearly losing you," Wildas whispered.

"I'm not sure how many times I can take waking up like this," Coulta replied. "And I'm sorry to frighten you. Is everyone all right?"

Wildas kissed his forehead and pulled away. He wiped his eyes and nodded. For the first time Coulta noted that his mark of magic was gone.

"Myri has been working with the healers constantly," Wildas explained. He pulled the chair closer and sat with one hand on the mattress. Coulta wished he could reach over and hold it. "She will be here shortly with something for your pain," he went on. "She had just gone back to the healers and we sent Dala for her. Star and Ralix fought well and had minor injuries. Rohan nearly bled to death from a sword wound but he's going to be just fine. Yvona had a few minor injuries, as well, but she's taking Rohan's place until he can function without fainting. Anil used her magic to stop a disguised assassin from doing harm in the nursery, according to my brother. You'll need to hear the story from her. She believes Kylar had something to do with what she did, but I don't want to ruin her telling of it."

"I look forward to hearing about it," Coulta assured him. "Shelton?"

"He's well," Wildas replied, glancing away.

"You're upset with him."

Wildas glanced back up. "I... don't know."

"He followed my orders," Coulta told him. "If he had kept fighting he would have died without making a difference in Kemale's strength or power. I was only able to kill him by using both my magic and my blades, and I had to make an attack I knew would likely kill me to destroy him and save my family. I needed you to have him with you. I didn't want him to die in vain." As he spoke, his voice became louder and more earnest, and the pain intensified.

"Shh," Wildas soothed, moving his hand to rest it gently on Coulta's shoulder. "It was just difficult to not know if I would see you again, and to have believed that he would keep you safe. I wouldn't want him to die without purpose either. I can't be upset with him knowing what you told me, I promise."

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