Chapter 3

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Coulta found the final days of the Guard tournament much less interesting than the previous days. There was an endurance race that was run from the castle, through the city and field outside the walls to the woods, and back to the castle. The race began at dawn and it was almost midday by the time the first runners returned to the castle. Wildas had to preside over the start of the race, and had to greet the return of the runners, so they were forced to spend the entire day sitting outside once again as the final runner didn't return until almost dinnertime.

The final day was the written exam, which took place in the throne room where there were enough benches already arranged for the contestants to all sit. Wildas also had to preside over this, and Coulta was happy to at least be out of the summer heat for a day.

But the day of the selection they were once again outside. The participants all knelt in the sand of the arena, which was surrounded by more spectators than had been there for any of the individual days. Rohan read the names of all fifty-four new members of the Royal Guard. Each name was followed by cheering and applause as the new Guardsman – or Guardswoman – rose and saluted Rohan before taking a place in the ranks behind the Prince-General. The rest of the contestants were asked to return to their regular military unit and to try again the following summer.

At some point a stable boy had come seeking Anil's help in the foaling barn, but Coulta was mildly surprised when she didn't return to them by the end of the selection. Wildas and his spouses were supposed to introduce themselves to each of the new Guardsmen, something that took all afternoon, even without Anil.

"She probably went back to the castle to clean up again," Myri suggested when they were done with the Guardsmen.

Coulta thought Myri's assessment was probably correct, and let his concern fade a bit. They would see her at the castle.

But she wasn't at the dining hall, and that made them all uneasy again. After a brief dinner, Myri went ahead of Wildas and Coulta, suggesting that Anil might be feeling ill, but came running back down the hall only moments after going into Wildas's office. The look of panic on her face sent fear straight through Coulta.

"I just found this on the floor of your office," she explained, handing over a sheet of paper.

Coulta read over Wildas's shoulder and felt his fear transform into a horrible sense of dread.

What do you value more? Your country or your queen and the child she carries? Peace is possible. Your throne for their safety. We will meet in the throne room at dawn.

Wildas's hands were shaking as he crumpled the note. "I need to find her."

"Is something wrong?"

They all turned to see Shelton and Yvona walking toward them.

Wildas simply held out the note and Shelton took it, straightening it in order to read what it said. Yvona leaned close to read it as well.

"She's pregnant?" Yvona asked quietly.

"We only know because I can sense it," Myri explained.

"And that means that whoever took her was able to hear us talking in our rooms," Wildas added, "because none of us have spoken openly about it."

"You're certain?" Shelton asked, glancing at all of them.

They all nodded.

"Then as soon as we find her, I'm putting stronger spells on your rooms. Now give me a moment to get a sense of who wrote this."

Violet light surrounded the sheet of paper, which promptly burst into flames. Shelton swore and dropped it. The paper was ashes before it reached the ground where the flames vanished.

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