Chapter 7

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Jaimathan was amazed by how easy it was to fall into life in another king's court over the next month. He, Braith, and Fae were treated with high regard by everyone they encountered, despite not wearing a single symbol of power on their bodies aside from Jaimathan's ring that showed his position as the heir of Algoma. They were welcomed into the Grand King's court and Fae became fairly close to the queens. Braith spent much of his time with the mages who were gathering to join Lord Shelton's new army. He wasn't certain what Shan was doing with the freedom they had been granted in the castle and city, but the Shifter spoke to Fae on a regular basis.

Jaimathan attended the court meetings Grand King Wildas held, and spent the rest of his days doing whatever he could to pass the time while he waited for Shelton to find someone to help him. He still felt empty and as if he were another person, and he struggled to distract himself. It wasn't easy when he was in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by unfamiliar people. His entire life felt surreal, even a month after arriving in Ryal. His only reminders of reality were Braith and Fae, and for the first time he feared he would ruin his marriage. He was just so... not himself that he was distant and unresponsive. He wasn't unkind, but it was difficult to be very friendly when he felt so wrong. Fae was doing her best for him, but he hoped she didn't change her feelings for him now that he wasn't the man she had married.


He looked up at Braith as his Guardian came to a halt in front of the bench where Jaimathan had been sitting in the courtyard. Braith was breathing heavily, as if he'd been running through the castle. 

"What's wrong?" Jaimathan demanded, standing.

"Algoma was been attacked," Braith stated breathlessly.

Cold fear shot through Jaimathan and he sat back down.

"My father contacted me when I was with Shelton," Braith went on quickly, "or I wouldn't have told anyone before you. Shelton's gathering the court but granted me time to speak to you privately before we join them."

"My mother?" Even to himself his voice sounded distant.

"Everyone is safe for now. Some damage was done to the city and the farmlands, but the gates at the castle were shut in time and we pushed them back out of the city. The invaders seem content to hold a siege, which won't last more than a month if we can't manage a supply route."

"How was the city caught so unaware?"

"The army was hidden by magic that not even my father could sense until it was right before him."

"Sorcerers can't sense necromancy unless in direct contact with the magic. Shelton explained that to me." His hands clenched tightly into fists. "But the Asirim can sense it. If I had been there -"

"You wouldn't have understood what you were sensing and no one would truly have taken you seriously." Braith sat down beside him on the bench. "You came here to understand your power, so next time you won't be idle. Your mother wants you to stay through this. She understands what game Kemale is playing, from a political position."

"And what game is he playing?"


"He's waiting for Algoma to request help from Phelin."

Coulta had thought he knew enough by now about politics and strategy not to be surprised by Shelton's words – knowing enough to actively deal with the issues was another thing entirely – but he was.

"Why?" one of Wildas's uncles asked.

"He's not a fool," Shelton answered. "Things would be easier if he were. He knows we've been preparing for him to move against us. We've been growing our army, calling for anyone who wishes to fight. And he knows I'm here. He's not powerful enough yet to deal with me and he knows that. I already dealt him serious blows twice now. If he leads an army against us now he knows he will lose. But Algoma had no reason to suspect an attack. The army he sent there was small in comparison to what he could muster with time. His goal is to force Queen Cyra to call for aid from us, and for us to answer her. As soon as we send a force to break the siege, Kemale will call his army back and attack us while we have fewer defenders."

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