Chapter 1

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The heavy spring evening rain drenched the city of Ryal as a dark, cloaked form moved quietly through the streets. Llyr didn't mind the rain, even if it did soak through his cloak and clothes and make him shiver. It also kept people from noticing him as he made his way along the slick cobbled street to the castle.

He knew his former master had died somewhere in or around this gods-forsaken city only days ago, and the thought filled him with something close to giddiness. His death meant Llyr was the new glorious weapon of the true Master.

Varinhas failed me. Now it is your turn to take up the battle. Go to Ryal.

Llyr looked up at the castle looming ahead. Obscured by the sheets of rain it should have looked ominous, but to him it looked like a promise of glory to come.

I will send you the tools you need when it is time.

He thought about the royal family living inside that castle. They were probably feasting or drinking or having sex, blissfully unaware that their indulgent lives would soon be over. Surely they assumed that the danger had died with Varin.

Llyr would be the one to bring about their downfall, and he could hardly wait.

"That castle will be my reward," he whispered to himself.

Grinning, he pressed on.


Jaimathan,Crown Prince of Algoma, did not enjoy it when his mother called him to her office for private meetings. The meetings were never about anything pleasant. Usually they were regarding raiders from the Alta Mountains attacking villages, pirates on the Corintha Sea, earls going mad and holding entire towns hostage – thankfully that had only happened once – and the question was always, "What would you propose we do?"

But this meeting was different. Queen Cyra wasn't asking for her son's opinion on any issues.

"Phelinis asking for whatever aid we can give," she explained. "I'm sending you to them."

Jaimathantried not to look surprised. "Just me? What can I do?"

Cyra rubbed a hand over her face. He noticed the dark shadows under her eyes then. "I will also be doubling the garrison at the watchtower across the river from Ryal. You need to learn how to use this magic of yours and Lord Shelton believes he can help. He also believes, from what I've told him, that if you can learn your magic by the time you need it, you may be able to aid them greatly. Phelinis an important ally. If they fall to Dyrai, we will be helpless to keep ourselves out of Emperor Kemale's control. I'm not certain why he seems to think you're what they need, but I feel I should trust the Wielder of the Violet Power."

Though the thought of finally mastering his mysterious magic was a relieving thought, Jaimathan was still puzzled. "I thought they were justin a civil war. Why do they now feel threatened by Dyrai?"

Cyrasighed. "I'm not sure I fully understand, but I was told Kemalegave weapons and magic to the rebellious lord who started the war,and had planned to take over control once the country was in the lord's grasp. I'm sure you will be given more details on the situation when you arrive."

That still didn't explain much. "And what if we get attacked?"Jaimathan questioned. "Why won't I be needed here?"

She gave him a slight smile. "We have not been threatened. There is no reason to believe Kemale wants to invade us while his eyes are on Phelin. Not yet, at least. He thinks he's already weakened Phelin, sohe will attack there first. And if we are attacked we have our full army at the ready. We haven't just fought another war and lost hundreds."

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